Just a regular day

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After a whole night of fighting crime I suddenly wake up to my alarm and slam it shut.

y/n: "Good morning USA I've got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day."

I get out of bed, eat breakfast and brush my teeth, when suddenly I realize that it's already 8:15 and school starts over 5 minutes.

I quickly equip my rocket boots, fly near my school, head into an empty alley and put my rocket boots off and put my normal shoes on.

y/n: "Maybe being Batman is not so bad after all, but for now I gotta focus on getting to school."

When I arrived at school I still had one minute so i quickly ran into my class.

Teacher:"Ah mr McGinnis, looks like you managed to get on time."

y/n: "Yup" I say as I sit on my chair.

My teacher talked about something called "Quantum Theory", however I was too tired and didn't pay attention. 

9 hours later the school day was over and I took the bus back home.

y/n: "Jeez I need to get more sleep"

When I arrive home I greet my mom and immediately go to my room to check if any of my gadgets were stolen or if someone found out I was Batman and luckily neither of this things happened

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When I arrive home I greet my mom and immediately go to my room to check if any of my gadgets were stolen or if someone found out I was Batman and luckily neither of this things happened.

y/n: "Thank god none of my stuff was stolen."

y/n thinking: Now that I'm sure nothing was stolen i need to finish my homework.

Once I finished my homework it was already 9 pm which meant only one thing.

y/n: "Ahh Shoot here we go again"

I quickly drink my coffee, changed into the batsuit and went outside through the window.

I activated my rocket boots and started searching Neo Gotham for criminals.

I quickly spotted a random thug harassing an family and when he was about to kill the father I touched his shoulder.

y/n: "Boo!"

The thug quickly turned around, but I punched him in the face and knocked him out.

Little kid: "T-Thank you so much for saving us mr. Batman!!!"

y/n: "No problem kiddo."

I fly away in search of more criminals and quickly found like 50 criminals on the street and I landed infront of them.

I fly away in search of more criminals and quickly found like 50 criminals on the street and I landed infront of them

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(Just imagine this, but there are way more criminals and it's the batman beyond suit.)

Suddenly they all start running towards me.

y/n: "Wow 50 v 1? Might as well handcuff me to make this fight easier for all of you."

Thug: "Get the brat!"

They all fight me or at least try to, but I defeated them all without breaking a sweat.

y/n: "C'mon man, that's too easy!"

Once again I start flying in search of more Criminals and spot one robbing the store.

y/n: "This'll be too easy."

I get in the vent of the store.

y/n whispering: "Guess I'm the impostor huh?"

I get out of the vent and silently take the thug out.

y/n: "They think I'm hiding in the shadows. They don't know that I AM THE SHADOWS."

Once again again I start flying in search of more Criminals and spot one destroying a television so I decide to jump infornt of him and he got scared, but suddenly a portal appeared above me and started sucking me in.

The thug quickly tried to run away, but I grab my electric batarang and knock him out with it. 

y/n: At least i stopped a crì̶͑̌̄̑̀̈̇m̵̡̨̛̖̰̬̺̼̤̤͂́̀͆̈́͋̚ͅé̷͑̀͛͋̀͂.

My voice got distorted and my whole body was in the portal now.

 Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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