Chapter 1 - No Longer Parasite

Start from the beginning

Kiyotaka however, said that he would immediately know it would be them who revealed his identity once words get out, and he would report their bullying to the school, even if it would reveal Kei's secret. Upon hearing it, Kei was fine and even declared that she was in favor of it. Ryuen understood that Kei would reveal her secret herself if it would mean protecting Kiyotaka.

Kei was initially thinking whether he misjudged Kiyotaka because Kiyotaka came to save her in the end. But then, Kiyotaka and Ryuen's gang continued their back and forth exchange. Kiyotaka has implied how he used Kei to bait Ryuen into a setting that would allow the use of violence. Kei felt a little betrayed once more. She realized that Kiyotaka purposely delayed saving her because she understood that Kiyotaka had always planned to beat up Ryuen. She became more disillusioned about Kiyotaka.

Then the fight ensued.

Seeing Kiyotaka fight Ryuen and his gang, Kei saw again how truly scary Kiyotaka can be. She knew about the deep darkness that Kiyotaka was hiding. She knew that Kiyotaka could possibly kill a person without hesitation. Seeing her doubts somewhat confirmed before her eyes, she felt glad she wasn't his enemy.

At the same time, since Kiyotaka saved her, Kei felt relieved that her secret would be at least safe for the meantime. Ryuen wouldn't do something stupid after what Kiyotaka did to him. There would also be no need for Ryuen to reveal Kei's secret anymore, because he got what he wanted which is Class D's X's identity.

"Sorry. I put you in a really difficult situation. Are you hurt?" Kiyotaka asked her.

"I'm...fine. I'm just cold. I've kind of feel numb in some places..."

Kiyotaka reached his arm out to Kei. Kei hold on to it and Kiyotaka could feel the cold that has accumulated in her hands being transferred to his hand.

"Of course I am. You betrayed me from the very beginning." Kei answered.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. So why didn't you sell me out to Ryuuen?"

"For my own sake. That's all there is to it." Kei replied before collapsing into Kiyotaka's arms while trembling. "I was scared. I was so scared!"

Kei was relieved all of it was finally over, and that her secret also won't be revealed.

"That doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that, from this moment, your curse has been lifted. No one will use your past against you again. You've become the new person you wanted to be. I hurt you. I won't ask you to forgive me. But if something like this ever happens again, I'll save you."


Hearing that she can become the person she wants to be from Kiyotaka's mouth, Kei felt grateful. She thought she would be empty again, with no freedom, no goals, no dreams, no ambition, no identity. But Kiyotaka's words gave her some salvation.

'The person I want to be.... Yeah... Right now, I don't have to be my fake self anymore. But I also won't be cold and empty. I can be the person who I truly want to be.'

In Kei's perspective, she had truly regain freedom. She did not feel the need to be protected by someone any longer. She also did not feel the need pretend to be someone else. She also did not feel the need to be cold and empty. She can be her true self and have pride and dignity. However, everything was different in Kiyotaka's mind.

'Despite everything she'd been through, Karuizawa couldn't bring herself to stop depending on me. Delaying my arrival had shored up her belief that she could hold onto her faith in me till the last possible moment- and I'd learned that she wouldn't easily betray me. Even if she had given me up, I would have used her guilt to my advantage. Karuizawa was a valuable pawn. I intended to make sure she stayed under my control.'

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