The World Beyond Ours

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 Chapter 1

 Fresh Start

I remember it like it was yesterday. Cold, wet, and rainy.... Well, I guess it was always rainy in Woodbridge, New England. I always liked the rain, but for some reason, everyone thought I was weird for liking the rain. Well...this was all before it happened. It's not like this anymore.

She got up bright and early that morning. It was Sage's first day of high school. This was her chance to make some friends. Ever since junior high I've had no friends, she thought to herself. Maybe it's because I'm different. I mean I've always been able to do out of the ordinary things. Like that one time when I was sad it started raining, I know what you are thinking "that's not weird a storm was coming anyway right." Well, it was definitely sunny I swear, and then 'things got better". Next thing I knew I was floating like in the air floating. So now I've lost all my friends. Well not all of them I still have my best and only friend Riley. Riley always defends me so I'm grateful, but it would be nice to have some friends. "Oh gosh I'm late and it's my first day of high school!" As Sage ran downstairs she could hear the rain dripping from the roof.

Sage got breakfast and bolted to school, when she arrived she saw her best friend and walked up to her. "Hey girl, over here," said Riley.

"Hi Riley, are you ready for our first day!"

"Heck yeah! Of course I am Sage!" She replied.

They entered the school, surprised with the look. There were giant windows with white lace curtains, and the structure of the building was tan, and in an antique fashion. As they walked through the main hallway, they saw an elegant spiral staircase, leading to upper-level classrooms. When they entered their homeroom class, they saw a crowd of people choosing their desks.

After a few classes, it was finally lunch. While they were walking down the hallway, they saw a restricted room that leads to a staircase. Then out of the blue, Sage exclaims, "are you thinking what I'm thinking, Riley?" She grinned and looked at the restricted poster.

"Umm... duh. I always am," she grinned as well. After they redeemed their lunches, they walked right up to the banned area and slipped in and up the staircase without a sound. When they reached their destination, they were surprised to see a lone figure wearing a dark as night sweatshirt, with his hood up. They identified the figure as Aaron Pavilion. Next thing Sage knew, Aaron was looking directly at her, in curiosity.

"I sensed you were here, but I have still always wondered what you must look like," He stated in an admiring tone.

"What do you mean?" She said turning to Riley for her opinion. Yet, when she looked at her, to Sage's own surprise, Riley had a very confused look.

"What language was that I had no clue what you guys were saying?" Riley asked questioningly.

"Aaron, what language where we speak-" but to her surprise, he was gone.

Later that afternoon, as Sage was walking home, she felt as though someone was watching her. As if it was natural Sage picked up her walking pace to a slow trot. Then out of thin air, someone pounced on her. Within a split-second, she started to feel a piercing pain run down her right leg. Next thing she knew, she was shrieking in pain as the stabbing in her leg continued. In no time, she blacked out.

When she woke, she realized that she wasn't in her house. She looked down to see her leg bandaged. Where am I! Okay, wait... okay okay okay, calm down Sage, we're going to get out of here. If only I could remember how I once floated in sixth grade, then maybe I could freak out my kidnapper. Wait what the heck! That's a huge waste of time, who knows how long I have to get out of here. She looked around and thought, First I need a weapon, as she was looking, she was fortunate enough to come by an old baseball bat, glove, and hat. She was so happy that she found the weapon, that she accidentally squealed in happiness. Oh no... WHAT DID I JUST DO!?! OKAY, NOW THEY'LL BE COMING ANY MINUTE NOW. She then grasped the weapon and began running to the closest, to find a window to get out of.

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