Vendetta Chris Redfield x Reader

Start from the beginning

"WHERE IS SHE?" He asks, a growl of animalistic anger in his tone.

"Don't ask me, my partner took care of her. My experiments are done, hers, not so much."


"All I did was simply make her unconscious and hand her off to the woman. The rest is not my problem." He says calmly.

"You don't know where she is?? I don't fucking believe that, Arias." He says low and enraged.

"That's your choice. But I've told you all I know."

"Well then," Chris says, finger on the trigger. "You're even more of a useless bastard now." The trigger clicks, and multiple bullets go straight through Arias's head. Blowback splatters Chris, and he watches as the body falls. Without giving a second look to turn around, he walks out of the room, breath quickening.

What in the actual fuck? What woman? Where on earth could she have taken her? But.. she's my girl. I trained her, and I trust her. And I'm going to get her back.

"Leon!" Chris shouts over the line.

"You find her, loverboy?" He says sarcastically. Chris rolls his eyes, and slams the elevator button.

"No. They took her. I don't know who or where. We need to leave, and find out who did this. Arias is dead, we're done here."

"Dead? Are you sure?"


"He didn't even inject himself with his virus?"

"Looks like there was another step to be completed by someone else, which is why we have to hurry," he explains, the elevator door sliding open. He sees the blood trail once again, wincing at the sight. "Meet me at the rooftop, Kennedy."

"Understood." Leon says. He heard the underlying tone of rage and fear in his voice. He knew something was seriously wrong.

Chris gets to the rooftop, and his BSAA teammates are waiting in a helicopter. He exits the elevator, watching as Leon exits the stairwell. They nod to each other and head into the helicopter.

"Where is she?" DC asks.

"I have no god damn idea." Chris mutters.

"Chris, you need to tell us what happened. I'll get Hunnigan to find her, she's the best person I know for finding intel."

"Thank you," Chris says, looking up at him, his eyes finally shifting off the ground. He was hunched over, elbows on knees, stressing out like never before.

"Go on," Leon urges.

"I wasn't sure, but I knew it was hers. This... This blood trail, from the elevator. With some luck I found which floor it continued on and it let straight to a room with Arias in it. He was just sitting there, not doing anything. Not trying to kill me, or release a toxic gas to the people, nothing."

"What? I thought that was why he engineered the virus?" Leon asks.


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