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jayda was in a very light sleep and she heard small whimpers coming from java's room she quickly hopped up throwing the covers off her and rushed to java's room only to see her now smiling admiring her bigger sister jayda blushed and said "goodmorning beautiful how you sleep jaja?" her little sister only smiled a slobbery smile, jayda blushed once more before picking her up and taking her to java's bathroom and got out java's tub putting it inside the big tub and started to run warm water, as jayda was disrobing java for her bath she heard a small knock at the door and she wrapped up java in a swaddle and rushed to the front door wondering who could be here this early in the day. she looked through the peephole shocked at what she saw she quickly unlocked all 5 locks on her door and opened for a bruised up yonnie. jayda quickly asked "are you okay ...... ima get you some ice" and with that jayda put java in her play pin quickly putting a pamper on her before and running into the kitchen grabbing a handful of ice putting it in a ziploc bag rushing back out she handed it to yonnie waiting for yonnie to explain ...

yonnie woke up to over hear her mom and unofficial step dad arguing once again and with that she knew what that meant so she got up from her bed and locked her room door turning up the tv. about 10 minutes passed and yonnie was close to dozing off when she heard her room door knob start to twist she instantly got scared and curled up into a ball starting to cry she started to go into a deep haze and she was knocked out of it when her step dad banged on the door yonnie's mom was a horrible mom she let all her boyfriends sexually abuse yonnie and there was really nothing she could do because she was still 17 and a minor but at the point she didn't care. she screamed when her step dads fist went through her room door she quickly ran past the now broken door and locked her self in her bathroom connected to her room and sat in the shower and left the bathroom window open she jumped and she finally heard the room door hit the floor and she could hear him looking around until she heard his foot steps get closer and closet and they stopped once he reached the bathroom door "babygirl why you make me do that you know daddy loves you open up babygirl" yonnie instantly threw up into the drain of the shower and as she was leaning her head up her step dad kicked the door down and looked down on her and said "why you always gotta make shit so difficult"

jayda shedded tears hearing that her baby sitter was going through the same things she used to go through and after yonnie told the story the small two bedroom apartment grew silent and jayda spoke up and said " well i won't let you go back i hope you know that" yonnie looked up and jayda with the same look of a kid on christmas and jumped up and hugged her as they both shared a much needed hug the were interrupted by java yelling as if she wanted a hug too they both laughed turning to java and yonnie said "thank you miss miller you really don't know how much you've blessed me already especially with me knowing i have your support" jayda's heart warmed hearing the heart felt words and she kissed yonnie on her forehead and said "wanna go shopping for you and java room?!" in a excited tone yonnie replied with "yess oh my gosh you actually want me" and jayda laughed lightly and said "of course bookie" blowing a kiss she spoke up again saying "please give java a bath while i get ready" and yonnie nodded her head yes making her way to java's bathroom and jayda walking into her own.

jayda, yonnie, and baby java roam the store of betsy's furniture and supply and there were currently looking in the headboard section as yonnie looked up and gasped at the most precious magenta pink rhinestone headboard and she pointed it out the jayda and jayda spoke up and said "is that the one you want?" and yonnie quickly shook her head yes and smiled apparently grateful to know someone still cared about her. they made their way to the register and jayda pointed out all the items that yonnie wanted and the store cashier spoke up in a mean tone and said " your total will be $1,253.74" and jayda rolled her eyes after she finally noticed the female it was one of the strippers that she used to work with jayda shrugged it off and gave her it in cash just to be funny and simply said "keep the change i know it's needed" and walked out after consulting outside with the moving people to see when her new furniture would come. the girls were now on their way to the grocery store because jayda had to pick up a few things and she also wanted to get yonnie some stuff that she liked. they pulled up to walmart and jayda turned the car off and walked to the trunk to get out java's stroller and walked back around and placed her in it as yonnie held onto one side of the stroller they walked towards the entrance as jayda locked her car doors hearing the beep they finally made it into the walmart after what felt like a mile long walk yonnie walked to get a shopping cart as jayda waited on her they both walked in together and jayda instantly went back to the technology section and turned to ask yonnie if she needed a phone but she saw yonnie cooing with java and smiled and lightly tapped yonnie's shoulder yonnie turned and replied "yes ma'am" jayda instantly felt old and said "girl don't call me that call me jayda baby" and yonnie smiled hugging her once more because she simply couldn't get enough jayda pulled away and spoke up "do you need a phone baby" and yonnie shook her head yes and jayda motioned for her to pick out any one she wanted and after 15 minutes of deciding yonnie finally went with the iphone 13 pro max and she smiled at how her and her new little sister had matching phones she paid for it so that yonnie could set it up as she pleased while they walked around the store finding house hold items they shopped around for about 45 more minutes jayda ended up with a cart full of groceries and toys and her focusing on her cart she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and bumped right into someone's cart and she looked up and instantly started apologizing not even realizing who she hit she looked up after picking up her box of cereal for the kids and her eyes met with the same dude from last night at the club his frustration instantly turned into a heart warming smile and he spoke up and said "hey beautiful we meet again" jayda blushed and told yonnie to go start finding a line in checkout she did as told which left jayda and her mystery man alone she spoke up and said "hey i never caught your name" he smirked and said "Kain how about you love" she felt her cheeks get red as she spoke up and said "jayda" he smiled with full teeth once again and boldly asked " can i have your number queen" she blushed handing him her phone he quickly put his number in saving his self as bae💞 jayda blushed as she read it and she locked her phone putting back in her back pocket she looked up and said " i still hope to see you at the club tonight i'm not working just enjoying myself" he pulled her by the small of her back and said "what time you want me there princess" she blushed and replied " 9:30" he smiled and kissed her forehead and said "you got it" and he kissed her hand before winking and walking off she quickly snapped out of her gaze going to find yonnie and java she saw them in isle 4 and luckily everything was already bagged she pulled out her card and paid and they made their way back home

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