Petal III. The Wedding

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I shout "It's my life, are you the one you'll marry, it's me the one you'll throw. You will throw me to him for money and prestige to be close to the king"

Mace shouts "Bianca!" He holds my arm hardly shaking it "how dare to talk to my mother like that?"

Leyton frees me from his grip "Are you going to hit my granddaughter in front of me"

I hide behind him holding into his arm watching over his shoulder hatefully.

Mace warns me "If you don't marry him, I'll take your name and give Bastard's one"

I nod "I accept that, I do not care about name or anything else"

Olenna hits more with her stick "We give the man our word stop act like child and do your duty. The wedding the end of this week. End of it" she heads outside "Son, follow me. There is nothing left but the children to control us"

Mace follows her giving me one last warning look.

I look at my mother waiting any reaction from her.

Alerie shrugs "Nothing in my hand, Bianca"

I stare at her with my glassy eyes and turn to Leyton.

Alerie hugs me kissing my forehead "We're waiting for you at the breakfast time. Father, please make her understand" she walks out of the room.

Leyton pats my shoulder as I sit at the armchair wishing it's dream "Look at me" I turn to him "Bianca, let me tell you one thing we are not over the duties but we can cunning it"

I look at him confuses he smiles a little and look around explains "Well, Remember the old story about the king" I nod "We can be over duties and do whatever we want while doing it" he gives me our wry smile "Just like that and Hightower will always be Home"

I wipe my tears thinking of his words and remind silent.

Leyton insists "It will be always your home but I did not tell you anything" I chuckle a little and he kisses my forehead "My sweet child"


While the sunset, I sit like a dead corpse next to Lord Baelish who talking a lot since I sit and I try to think of anything to destruction myself.

"So what do you think, Lady Bianca?"

I turn to him "I am sorry, what did you say?" He smiles "I get distracted easily"

"Well, we must use to each other habits"

"Why me?"

"Good question, the answer can be summed up in the fact that I love smart and cunning woman, I saw them with your own eyes"

"That is not an answer"

"Well it is a simple good one to me, you will live at King's Landing like a princess, Huge chamber like a queen, handmaidens will serve you, you will live a better life there" smiles "You will be one of the queen concerts"

I blink looking around "Yeah. A perfect life that any girl dreamed of"

Petyr puts his hand on my but I feel so cold "You're so cold what about get unside"

I stand "please"


In my chamber, Athen and I holding hands, We're laying at the sheets in front of the fireplace at the foor.

Wrapping our bare bodies with silk soft sheets after doing love.

Athen looks at me "I can not do this, Bianca, I can not seeing you between his arms, I can not even imagine it."

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