Muichiro's primary love comes in the form of quality time. He's often busy being a hashira so whenever he's around you he likes to give you his undivided attention. He tries to be around you for as long as possible before seeing you off. Usually complaining when you have to leave. Not wanting you to go so soon when it feels like he's only been near you for a few seconds.

Muichiro appreciates physical touch. He likes the feeling of your fingers messing with his hair. He likes laying on you whenever the opportunity presents itself. You're sitting down? His head is in your lap. You're standing up? He's going to stand behind you for a few seconds before leaning all of his body weight on you. He's not the biggest fan of holding hands but he will for you.

Giyuu Tomioka

Gives: Gift Giving
Receives: Quality Time

Giyuu tends to give you gifts as his way of showing affection. Sometimes it's small trinkets he picks up during his missions. Other times it's fresh food that he wishes to share with you. He makes it a habit to memorize your favorite things and give you items that correlate. Because of this, you have a box full of small items that he has gifted you throughout the years.

Giyuu appreciates the fact that you genuinely enjoy being around him. With others saying that they don't like being in his presence makes the time he spends with you all the more important to him. When you two are together you don't speak very much, but that doesn't make the time spent any less enjoyable. The two of you often cook together.

Rengoku Kyojuro

Gives: Words of Affirmation
Receives: Quality Time

Rengoku is not shy to give praise and encouragement to those around him. Especially when it comes to you. He will commend you for every little thing under the sun. You woke up this morning? That's amazing, keep it up! You walk by him at least once a day and without fail this man will compliment you on something. Whether it be about your appearance or how you're carrying yourself today he's going to find something to applaud you on.

Rengoku is a busy man, but that makes every moment spent with you more special. If you're in the kitchen he is too. On the occasion that he does help you in the kitchen, nine times out of ten it takes double the time to cook something. He's either cutting up with you and making silly comments and jokes, or he's actually trying to help just struggling. He insists on at least eating with you when he is able to find the time.

Shinobu Kocho

Gives: Acts of Service
Receives: Words of Affirmation

We all know just how much Shinobu works. Not only just working as a demon slayer, but also helping in the medical field at times as well. It really wouldn't be a surprise to see her incorporating acts of service into her love life as her way to show affection. She is always willing to drop whatever she is doing to help you. From bandaging wounds to simply bringing you food.

Shinobu, with all she does, needs someone who will actually tell her how much she matters to those around her. With all the work she does she expects no praise for her feats. Often waving it off with something along the lines of "Don't worry, it's all a part of my job." Every time you push her words off saying something about just how kind she really is, she deep down appreciates the effort you put into your relationship.

Mitsuri Kanroji

Gives: Physical Touch
Receives: Gift Giving

Mitsuri is a lover. At the heart and the body. She loves to give you random hugs and kisses whenever she sees you as a greeting. Wrapping her arms around your waist and a quick kiss to the cheek as she rants about how much she missed you. From just leaving for a few minutes to use the restroom to seeing you after a mission, You always, at the very least get a kiss on the cheek once you return.

Mitsuri loves looking at small knickknacks through the windows of shops. And the thought of you just picking up something to gift her because it reminded you of her? She loves it. Another way to give her gifts would be to bring or pay for food. She told you about this dish she was wanting to try and you buy it for her? Hugs and kisses in return. Even better if you made the food yourself.


Gives: Physical Touch
Receives: Quality Time

Sabito loves to be touching you in any shape or form. Hug? Yes. Hand holding? Absolutely. Kisses? It is a necessity at this point. Whenever he's around you he has to be touching you in some way or he gets cranky for no reason. "I'm fine. I don't know what you're talking about." When you haven't reacted to his affections.

Sabito also loves to just be in your presence. How would he be able to be around you if you're not there? He loves to just hear your voice. Talking about your day? He's listening. Talking about how much you dislike someone because they were rude? He's disliking them right there with you and tells you to hit them the next time they say something. He just loves being around you as much as he loves to have you in his arms, and that's a lot.

Word Count: 1536

Wow, it's been a hot minute hasn't it...
Leave me any ideas for future chapters if you've made it this far.

June 24, 2023

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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