Hyde Family House

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*Crash!* "holy shit!" I turn around to see a broken window. My broken window. I got up and found a rock on the floor "Kelso" I thought. Only Jay Kelso would throw a rock at my window at 11:00 pm on a Tuesday. I look through the shattered glass that still hung for dear life and sure enough I saw him, standing in my backyard with a goofy grin. A goofy Kelso grin. That is until my dad walked out of the back door, "Goddammit Jay." Is all I heard before I saw Kelso run, jump over the fence and go across the street to disappear into some one else's yard. I can hear my dad mumble "Fucking Kelsos" as he renters the house.

6:45. My alarm goes off but, I'm already awake. Today is the first day of Summer Break. As I walk down the stairs I can here my mom yell "Steven! What did I say about swearing in front of the baby?" My parents brought my new baby brother home last week and it's been a bit hard for dad to "adjust" his language in front of the baby, he didn't have to when I was born because my parents were still young and stupid trying to figure things out but, now they have a handle on the whole parenting thing. "Hey kid, fu- freaking Kelsos" my dad says to me, my mom gave him a glare. I sat at the table with my dad and ate the eggs and bacon my mom put on a plate for me. As I ate I watched my brother in his high chair, watching his beady little eyes move like wild fire around the room, guess he's still not used to the kitchen. The phone rang and my mom got up to answer as my dad yelled "If its the cable company tell them to fuck off" to which my mom replied with "Steven, Language!" And my dad being a smartass said "German!" Then my mom rolled her eyes. A few minutes later my mom came back into the kitchen look real excited "Donna and Eric are coming to stay for the summer!" Aunt Donna and Uncle Eric? "Here!?" "No, no, with Red and Kitty" Red and Kitty are Uncle Eric's parents and were like parents to my mom and dad when they were kids "Oh thank god. I like Eric but, I don't think I could live with him again" my dad said very obviously relieved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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