"And then he... He..." Annie's cheeks were flushing with color and Elin leaned forward, quirking an eyebrow in excitement.

"He what?" she hissed, waiting impatiently for Alysanne to spit out whatever she desperately needed to say.

"He put his knee between my legs and I..." Elin thought that if Annie's face turned any redder, her head might explode. Instead of finishing the thought, Alysanne hurried over to the table and poured herself a large glass of wine. Gods, her lady was so innocent...

"He made you come like that... Is that what you're trying to tell me, Annie?" A silent nod was Alysanne's way of answer as she leaned against the table, letting out a sigh.

"Fucking hells..." Elin joined Alysanne at the table, pouring her own cup. "That's so cute..."

"Elin, it's not funny!"

"Am I laughing?" Elin asked exasperatedly, taking a long swig of wine. "So, he made you climax and now you want more..."

"Fucking hells, I don't know what to do. Yes, I want more, but I don't even think I'm ready! I'm eager, and excited, and terrified all at once." Alysanne replied.

"I'm not really an expert on matter of the heart, but I think that's how love is supposed to feel..." Elin replied smugly, taking in Annie's lost expression.

"I wanted to wait. I wanted everything to be perfect..."

"And now you just want to fuck him..." Elin finished, still trying not to laugh. "Alysanne, he's going to be your husband. Does it really matter whether you wait for the wedding or not?"

"I barely know him!" came Annie's scathing reply.

"And? You barely know him and you're still going to marry him. What difference does that make?"

"You don't understand; you'll never understand..." Alysanne's thoughtless words cut through Elin like a hot knife, piercing her heart and making her stiffen.

"No... No, I don't understand. I can't, can I? Because that choice was taken from me..." she spat, her jaw tensing as she fought the tears that pricked her eyes. Her stomach clenched, swallowing itself and making her feel like she was going to vomit.

"Elin, I didn't mean—"

"No, you did. You didn't mean for it to hurt me, but the sentiment is the same..." she replied, slamming the cup on the table. "Now, if you'll excuse me, my lady, I have a dragon to ride." Without another word, she stormed from the room, fuming.

Alysanne was one of the few people who truly knew what she had been through; for her to throw it back in Elin's face so absentmindedly. It felt like she had stabbed her with a hot poker. It's over... It's in the past... As she made her way back to Aemond's quarters, the tears she had been biting back finally spilled from the corner of her eyes and she flicked them angrily off her cheeks.

Aemond was propped up against the pillows with a book in hand when she burst into his rooms, feeling like she was splitting at the seams.

"Elin... What's wrong?" he inquired, tossing the book aside. She sprinted across the room, throwing herself into his arms.

"It doesn't matter," she breathed, slamming her lips on his, "Please, just touch me..." She needed to feel his hands on her; she needed to forget everything else. Aemond complied without hesitation, tearing her night dress from her body and trailing his lips down her neck, setting her skin alight.

"Elin, I—"

"Don't talk, Aemond," she begged, gripping him tightly, "Please just fuck me, fuck the pain away..." The look in his eye told her that he wanted to ask her about the pain, but he didn't. Instead, he kissed her until she couldn't breathe, his hands slowly trailing along her skin.

The Grey Wolf & The Golden Dragon | Aegon Targaryen IIWhere stories live. Discover now