The Others

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Peter, Miles, Wayne, Gwen, and Cindy got on the bus heading back to New York City. Peter slept in the backseats, Miles and Gwen sat next to each other in one row, while Wayne and Cindy sat next to each other in another row in front of the rest.

On the way back, Miles showed Gwen the broken goober, saying that Peter broke it.

Gwen: He broke this?

Miles: Yeah. He's actually pretty embarrassed about it, so (whispers) just keep it between us, okay?

Gwen: (laughs) I know where we can make a new one. And we won't let him break it this time.

Miles chuckles, then had a solemn expression on his face.

Miles: I'm sorry about your friend.

Gwen: Thanks, Miles. I know how hard this is. To have to figure this stuff out on your own. It's kinda nice not being the only Spider-Person around.

Miles: Yeah. If you ever decide to do friends again, I could always open up a slot.

Gwen: I'll keep you posted.

Miles: Cool.

While Gwen and Miles were talking, Cindy and Wayne were having a conversation of their own.

Wayne: You're serious?

Cindy: Yeah. They worked on the collider for a couple of years. They pretty much spearheaded its development along with Octavius. But they discovered exactly who they were building it for and why.

Wayne: Then they quit Alchemax, and then they were found dead a few days later.

Cindy: Exactly. 

Wayne sighs as he puts his hands on his face.

Cindy: I just thought you should know.

Wayne: Okay...Thanks, Cin.

Cindy nods in response as they sat in silence. Wayne decided to change the subject.

Wayne: Interesting web shooters.

Cindy: What?

Wayne: I mean, making webs shoot out of her fingertips instead of your wrist is a cool design. A bit impractical, in my opinion, but you do you.

Cindy: I don't...I don't use web shooters.

Wayne: What?

Wayne looked at Cindy confused. Gwen and Miles stopped talking and looked at Cindy. Even Peter sat up and looked at her.

Cindy: I don't use web shooters.

Wayne: But I've seen you shoot web out of your hands. How would you...

Cindy scratches the back of her head as Wayne figured it out quickly.

Wayne: Wait...Are you telling me that you have organic webbing?

Cindy: ...Yes.

Wayne, Gwen, Miles, and Peter looked surprised when Cindy said that. Cindy simply sat there awkwardly.

Miles: So you, like, make your own web fluid in your body?

Cindy: I'd rather not talk about this.

Miles: No, no, I don't...

Cindy: Are you teasing me?

Gwen: Nonono, he's not teasing you. It's just that...we can't do that. So naturally, we're curious as to how your web situation works, that's all.

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