34. Get Out You Whore

Start from the beginning

'If the queen sees,' she motioned to the blood. 'That I can have Joffrey's children now!' she declared

'We will flip it over or flip it over, it'll be fine she'll never know.' but handmaiden walked in she stared at the moment before rushing out, Shae ran after her

'Where are you going?'

'to want to tell her grace.' The hand maiden said obviously.

'You will say nothing to anyone,' shae told her putting a blade to her throat. The frightened handmaiden nodded running away.

'She's going to know she's going to know and hes going to kill me.' sansa was muttering when shae got back Sandor was standing over the bed. He had to tell the queen. He heard the screams and cries and thought something was wrong but seeing the girl so broken and torn up over bleeding he felt bad having to do his duty.

"Get my sister," Sansa begged. Shae went to find Rieka only to find Tyrion with her, her legs in his lap, she slammed the door open and Rieka grabbed the closest object as a weapon ready to throw. 

"Learn to knock." RIeka demanded. 

"Your sister requested you.'' Shae sassed. 

"You can still knock." Rieka corrected. "Where is she?"

"What am I your raven?" Shae hissed. 

"Yeah, you seem like it." Rieka agreed. "You came all this way didnt you. Raven." 

''Your mother might have prepared you." Cersei remarked. "You flowered, my dear. No more."

"My mother told me, but I thought it would be different."

"In what way?" Cersei countered.

"I thought it would be less ... less messy." Sansa whispered. 

"Wait until you bear the child." Cersei declared. "You're a woman now. Do you have any idea what that means?"

"I'm fit to bear children for the king?" Sansa whimpered.

"My lady, if you would just tell lady Rieka where her sister is." Tyrion cut in trying to defuse the situation.

"What are you doing here?" Shae snapped. 

"She's a sassy one." Rieka remarked. "Get the fuck out of my chambers." 

"What are you doing with her?" Shae demanded. 

"He doesnt answer to you. I told you she a brazen didnt know she didnt have any manners either." Rieka remarked. 

"What did you say to me?" Shae shouted. 

"Please, please," Tyrion begged stepping between them. 

"Get out of my chambers before I have you escorted out of the castle all together." Rieka warned. 

"You can't touch me." Shae corrected and Rieka smirked. 

"A prospect that once delighted you ... bringing little princes and princesses into the world, the greatest honor for a queen." Cersei assured her. Sansa stared back at her and cersei must have seen her hesitance. "Joffrey has always been difficult. Even his birth, I labored a day and a half to bring him into this world. You cannot imagine the pain. I screamed so loudly, I was sure Robert would hear me in the Kingswood."

"His Grace was not with you?"

"Robert was hunting. That was his custom. Whenever my time was near, my royal husband would flee to the trees with his huntsmen and his hounds. And when he returned, he would present me with some pelts or a stag's head, and I would present him with a baby." Cersei remarked with distaste. "Not that I wanted him there, mind you. I had Grand Maester Pycelle, an army of midwives, and I had my brother." Cersei remarked fondly.

"When they told Jaime he wasn't allowed in the birthing room, he smiled and asked which one of them proposed to keep him out...." Cersei added fondly. "Joffrey will show you no such devotion. You may never love the king, but you will love his children."

"I love his Grace with all my heart." Sansa answered on command. Cersei smirked back at her.

"That's so very touching to hear. Permit me to share some womanly wisdom with you on this very special day." Cersei offered instead. "The more people you love, the weaker you are. You'll do things for them that you know you shouldn't do. You'll act the fool to make them happy, to keep them safe. Love no one but your children." Cersei informed her confidently. "On that front, a mother has no choice."

"But... shouldn't I love Joffrey, Your Grace?" Sansa countered.

"You can try, little dove."

"Bronn, please get this whore out of my sight." Rieka demanded. Bronn chuckled grabbing Shae she thrashed in his grip. 

"You can't get rid of me!" Shae shouted. 

"Watch me." Rieka corrected. 


"You put your whore on my sister." Rieka remarked. "That sounds bad but you understand." 

"How did you know?" Tyrion countered. 

"No one gets that mad over nothing." Rieka remarked. 

"I didnt sleep with her, I mean I did but not since i was back." Tyrion remarked. "I... I love you. I want to marry you, I didnt know you were here-" Rieka leaned down kissing him shutting him up. 

"I believe you. Why do you think I got rid of her and didnt kick you out along with her?"

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