Chapter II - Actions and Consequences

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An unintended sigh escaped from my lips. The dead silence of the classroom caused by Chabashira-sensei's previous proclamation had the undesired effect of making my sigh clearly audible and most of my classmates shifted their attention to me.

'A troublesome situation. I don't want your attention right now, please kindly go back to ignoring me just as you all have done for the past month and a half.

As if my thoughts were loudly broadcasted to the classroom, soon most of the students shifted their attention back to Chabashira-sensei, clearly awaiting her explanation. Unfortunately, the word most, in this case, did not include a certain cold-hearted seatmate of mine, whose gaze became even more penetrating. She was undoubtedly awaiting clarification of the current situation from me, but unfortunately for her, I had no desire of satiating her curiosity.

'Horikita, you always act like a petulant child when people initiate any kind of conversation with you. Looking down on us from your self-constructed pedestal and expecting others for some alien reason to kiss the mere ground you walk on - this is hypocritical, selfish, and most importantly foolish. Your horrible attitude and superiority complex have hindered most innate talents or abilities you possess.

Demanding an answer from me as if I am some kind of personal dog of yours.

Ridiculing, annoying, and insulting my personality, my core values, and my identity as a whole.

Trying to use me for your selfish and pathetic goals without consideration of my personal beliefs on the topic.

Refusing to accept my denial of helping you in reaching class A, as if you could not care less about my thoughts. No, in the moment of demanding me to be your pawn, you clearly showed that asking me for your help was a farce. You expected me to agree just because you, Horikita Suzune dared to grace a mediocre and puny individual like me with your godly presence.

I will kindly reply to your request with two beautiful words the presence of Sudo, Yamauchi, and Ike had kindly bestowed upon my average mind - Fuck off.

Seeing the refusal to accept her unworded demands in my eyes, Horikita slightly glared at me, but before she could question my sudden uncooperativeness, the dead silence of the classroom cracked under Ike's sudden inquiry:

"Chae-san-sensei, wha-wha-t do you me-mean, ho-how could Kikyo-chan be ex-ex-pelled?"

Ike stumbled over his words, one look at him was enough to read his emotions as an open book - denial, shock, and even a hint of fear were plastered on his face. He could not, no he did not want to believe the words spoken by Chabashira-sensei was truth.

"Haha, I did not know you could joke Sensei. With your expression, you always looked like a thorny ice princess. Who would have thought there was a hidden humorous side in you?"

Yamauchi's downright indifferent statement amassed both disgust and dissatisfaction from my classmates; his insensitive nature could hardly be called desirable after all. Although it would be a lie to say that Yamauchi's opinion was unaccepted by the classroom. It seemed that the sudden proclamation turned gears in many of my classmates' minds. They agreed - Chabashira-sensei was surely joking.

Apart from Horikita, there was only one person who for even one second did not believe that sensei's words were a lie. His expression was turning gloomier and gloomier and his composure was assuredly cracking under the pressure. The final blow to the dwindling sanity of Hirata was delivered by Chabashira-sensei herself.

"I assure you, this is no joke. Do any of you think I would waste time amusing you fools? There is no such possibility. Kushida Kikyou has been expelled and the decision is final".

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