7: What is a family

Start from the beginning

Apparently not minding leaving the mostly disassembled stall and the remaining stock behind the man marched the three up the street and to a door with a carved wooden sign reading 'The silent oak bar and inn'. Opening the door and pushing a rather surprised Error inside before walking around him into what looked like an old style tavern with wooden tables and antlers as the decor.

The place was pretty lively with people at the tables drinking and laughing after along day as some who he had to assume worked here started to attempt shooing them out the door. While some stopped their drinking to watch them enter they minded their own buisness and didn't bat an eye when their guide shouted called out across the room.

"Oi! Arthur! got a bloke here n some kids looking for a bed have the drunks claimed them all yet?"

This so called Arthur was a burly looking man with dusty blonde hair and was standing behind the main counter who paused in wiping up a mess with a rag to look up when he was addressed. He had a rather bored expression as his dark eyes flicked from his task to their guide and then the very nervous looking Error and at the children at his hip. He considered them with eyebrows creeping up into his hairline but no real change in his expression before looking up at the ceiling as if trying to see through wooden beams. "Yeah...there should be one up top"

Those dark eyes flicked back to Error's own "Do you want it stranger?"

"o-oh um..I d0n't kn0w if i h4ve th3 G t0 pay f0r it..."

The man to his credit didn't even flinch hearing his glitched and distorted voice "eh...i'll give ya the bed free of charge, you need it more than these drunkards" he snarked pointendly aiming a thumb at one of said 'drunkards' drooling over his nice polished wooden countertop "you look about dead on your feet to be frank, the kids over there look tired too"

Arthur then turned to address a woman who came up to the bar as they were talking, she looked pretty young and looked a whole lot like the man so he assumed she was his daughter "Joan would you go up and make sure the bed has a sheet?" she just nodded and walked up a flight of stairs Error hadn't noticed before.

Error jumps a little feeling a hand clasp around his arm and found the elder man was still there smiling up at him "see you got yourself a bed for the night, in the nick of time too"

"Now...they do have an alright cook in their somewhere, come on you need to get some food in ya, I'll cover it"

Before he knew what else to say Error found himself being shooed and made to sit on a bench at a free table with the kids following his lead and hot plates were placed in front of them. At the table across from them sat their guide who evidently decided to linger around for a while longer.

"H4ven't y0u g0t a st4ll t0 put away..? and st0ck s1tting 0ut on th3 ro4d?"

"eh, that can wait, the night bell hasn't gone off yet and the people here are noble enough to steal nothing" He just smiled while brushing off Error's concern and got himself comfortable in his seat as he starts a conversation with a random person at a nearby table. Leaving Error to attend to the still unnamed children kneeling on their part of the seat to peer over the table.

Seeing how the kids stared at the food sent a pang of guilt through him, he was such a terrible guardian to forgot that children needed food eve though he did not...so the kids must have been so hungry all day and he hadn't noticed...he was the worst.

Briefly lost is self loathing Error was barely able to catch on and stop them trying to put their hands directly into their food by lightly holding their hands away.

"no n0, y0u eat 1t l1ke this"

The plates held what looked like a simple stew of dark meat and potatoes so he just scooped some of it onto a spoon and held it out and showed them the proper way to hold it. Even as much as maneuvering the spoon handle into the nearest brother's small hand so their fingers landerd where his was before blowing lightly on the hot food. All the while internally thanking Blue for being the one who taught this to him, as a being who didn't really need food to live he had been clueless for some time on eating etique, more so than these kids.

The tailor and the vampire lord: ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now