"What Austin?" Taylor snaps, surprised to hear her voice sound so strong, protective even. As fearful as a moment this is for her, the chance of Karlie being hurt by someone in her own family caused a stirring inside of her like no other.

"All that stuff I've been saying about her to mess with you," Austin groans, still keeping his face covered as he then collapses on his side on the couch. "This is so weird. How could you let me do that?"

Taylor bites back laughter at Austin's horror, as he pieces together why Taylor seemed to have had such a fiery temper when it came to Karlie in the past few months.

"What stuff?" Karlie asks, her eyes green alight with excitement, finally sitting in front of Taylor's family as her girlfriend.

"NOTHING!" Austin yells quickly. "Nothing," he repeats.

"Nothing," Taylor agrees, smiling at her girlfriend as her green eyes narrow playfully.

"You two are dating?" Scott says, pointing back and forth between the girls sitting across from him. They each turn their attention back to Taylor's father, as the singer nods her head. He sits back, obviously and rightfully surprised. "Wow. I never would have seen that coming," Scott says.

"Believe me, I didn't either," Taylor says with a small grin, taking a turn to give Karlie's hand a pulse now, still as surprised and thankful as ever to even have a chance to hold the model's hand after everything.

"Well, that's good! Really great! How did this happen?" Scott asks, smiling.

"Well..." Taylor begins, looking at Karlie, wondering just how she could possibly ever come up with an explanation as to why this beautiful woman was sitting beside her.


The moment Taylor and Karlie say their goodbyes to the Swift family at the end of a very eventful and entertaining plane ride to Nashville, is the moment Karlie finally gives Taylor a well earned kiss.

"Even I was shocked when you just dropped it like that to your mom!" Karlie exclaims, squeezing Taylor in a tight enough hug that even the model's arms hurt. "I was scared!"

"You were scared?!" Taylor laughs, sounding delirious with relief.

"I wasn't prepared for that!" Karlie says, pulling apart from their hug. "Are you happy with everything?" Karlie asks her, sounding a bit more calm.

"Of course I am!" Taylor insists. "I can't explain how I feel, now that they finally know. It just feels so amazing. Freeing," Taylor says.

Karlie smiles at hearing Taylor feel so at peace with the outcome. "So do I get to hear about what Austin was saying about me?" Karlie asks, poking Taylor's shoulder.

"No, I'll let him keep a bit of dignity," Taylor says.

Karlie's eyebrows shoot up, as her mind runs wild with what exactly Austin could have been saying about her. "Oh, jeez," she laughs sheepishly.

As the plane once more begins to take off, now bringing the girls back to their homes in New York City, they settle in beside each other much closer than they were when sitting with family, as they decide upon a movie to watch.


Karlie is staring at the TV screen, but has been feeling Taylor's stare on her for the past couple of minutes.

"What is it?" Karlie asks, finally unable to resist the urge to turn and meet Taylor's stare. However, she is stunned at being met with so tender, yet intense, of a stare of soft blue eyes, with Taylor's red lips slightly parted in a slight smile. She feels her cheeks redden, never having someone look at her quite like this before.

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