Chapter 1

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Aether has no idea what just happened.

One moment he's talking to Albedo in his lab.. thing. Then there was a crash and he blacked out.

Bringing his thoughts back to the present, he looks around. Blinking his bleary vision away he notices his clothes are filthy. He's laying in grime and debris from who knows what, maybe when he got here?

Aether groans, sitting up and quickly realizing something was off.

"Pai-Paimon?" He calls out, his voice surprisingly hoarse. Just how long had it been? He looks around, finally spotting an unconscious Paimon.

"Paimon!" He rushes over to her, brushing hair out of her face and picking her up when he finally gets to her. He looks around even more, trying to figure out if he can recognize the area or not. He doesn't.

After a moment of thinking, Aether decides to explore the area. With Paimon in his arms, he walks out of the.. alley?..

Looking around, Aether quickly realizes this is NOT Teyvat. The buildings were too tall and modern, and there were so many of them. He could probably count over one hundred windows! Aether also notices that the sky is dark, so it's nighttime... Great.

Aether chooses to explore the area, hoping to find anyone that could help.


Eraserhead was not expecting to find anything interesting during his nightly patrols, and he wasn't expecting to see a blonde teenager running through the streets like a headless chicken.

So like every good hero does, he checks it out.

Swiftly climbing down from the rooftop he was on, Eraserhead starts running after the blonde. It was harder than it should've been, the teen was fast.

Eraserhead huffs, speeding up slightly before finally deciding he needed to use his voice.


Aether stumbles when he hears a voice behind him, turning midair so he lands on his back and not on top of Paimon- who is still sleeping-. Aether's eyes are wide as he looks the raggedy man up and down. Trying to figure out if the man is someone he should be wary of.

Aether hugs Paimon tighter when the man in black starts to speak again. He asked questions in a language that sounded similar to that of Inazuma's language, but not quite the same as some of the words sounded out of place with the rest of the sentence.

Aether decides to try his luck and speaks in Inazuman to the man.

"Hu-Help me please!" Aether yells louder than intended, his voice cracking. "Where ah-are we? Who are you?"


Eraserhead is honestly confused. The teen spins around as he falls, revealing oddly- and slightly revealing- styled clothes and an extremely small child with white hair in his arms.

He was going to talk again but was stopped when the teen spoke up in choppy Japanese, a tourist then? Eraserhead thinks.

The boy sounds frantic. Eraserhead can see his whole body is shaking and his hold on the white-haired girl tightens.

Eraserhead sighs, trying to think of a way to get them to calm down without the use of a quirk. It was too late- or early?- to call someone for something he could've handled on his own.

Eraserhead slowly sits down, analyzing the teen's body language. Trying to figure out if they were about to bolt or attack.

When the hero deems the teen safe he finally speaks up.


"Hello, I'm E̷̪̐r̸͓̉â̴̻s̶̺̈́e̸͕͆ṟ̷̍h̴͙̏ẹ̵͠ḁ̸͋d̶̻͝. C̴̬̑a̷̳͆n̶͇͆ I ḥ̴̕a̸͇̓v̴̺̑e̷̻͝ your name? Do you k̵̡̆ņ̸̍ȍ̷̤w̸̤̿ where you are? Do you k̵̡̆ņ̸̍ȍ̷̤w̸̤̿ where you l̶̲͐i̷̤͠v̷͙́e̴̩͛?" The Raggedy man asks. Aether feels as if the questions made him calm down, even if he doesn't understand a good majority of it.

Aether tries to decipher the unknown words, most of them are easy with the context of the rest of the sentence(SO MANY "the" OMG😭).

Aether assumes the man was introducing himself, the name's pronunciation slipping his mind quickly. Then he's asking for his name, if he knows where he is -he doesn't-, and if he knows where he lives.

Aether answers all the questions in Inazuman. Figuring that was the closest language to whatever he was speaking. It seemed to have worked, the man's eyes lighting up briefly before he neutralizes his expression again.

After a moment of silence, the strange man presumably asks if he's hurt; and he's about to reply with no until the ache in his.. everywhere made itself known. Why does his body hurt so much?.. Aether tells the man he is hurt, holding tightly onto Paimon with his left arm while he moves his right to the place that hurts the most, his head. Did he fall? Why did his head hurt so much? Aether wonders, his face scrunching up.

The Raggedy man tries to talk to Aether some more but he isn't listening as his thoughts spiral, how was he going to get back to Teyvat? Where even was he?.. Is his sister here too? He hopes so, maybe they can go home now. Forget all about Teyvat.


Eraserhead watches as the teen- Aether- spirals, quickly sending an alert to the nearby police station to tell them to send out a police cruiser.

Eraserhead stands up, slowly walking towards the boy. Making sure to keep his steps audible so as to not frighten him. Eraserhead watches as Aether's eyes dart toward him, the boy does not attempt to flee as Eraser continues to tread closer to him.

Eraserhead stops in front of the boy. Pulling his arm out as gently as he can to offer it to him. Aether takes his hand after a few seconds of hesitance, standing on shaky limbs. Eraserhead watches as Aether lets go of his hand to hold the white-haired girl securely with both hands.

"What's her name?" Eraserhead asks with a gentle tone in his voice. Trying to get as much information as he can out of the boy.

"H̸̝͒e̶͙͝ṙ̶͕ name is Paimon."

"Paimon?" Eraserhead repeats the foreign name, it does not sound Japanese. Now that he's thinking about it.. Aether probably isn't Japanese either.

Eraserhead sighs as he sees the Police Cruiser pulling up, noticing the vehicle startles Aether a little. Eraser huffs fondly, gently guiding Aether towards the cruiser.


They make it to the police station fairly quick. Eraserhead coaxes Aether out of the vehicle before leading him to the lobby.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" The receptionist asks, not looking away from the computer.

The Eraser hero sighs and shows her his hero ID "I'd like to speak to a Detective please."

The receptionist quickly calls for one, and the escorting police officer leads the duo into one of the empty offices. Telling them that the Detective won't be here for another hour or so and asking them to wait.

Eraserhead sighs again, obviously annoyed with this information but sitting down on one of the couches anyway. Aether follows Eraser's lead, settling on one of the couches and resting his eyes(read: falling asleep). Hopefully this thing doesn't take too long so Eraserhead could go home to his cats and his bed.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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