Issue 9 - Lethal Protector

Start from the beginning

Quickly trying to change strategy, the Beetle engaged her retractable claws, sharp enough to slice through steel. She slashed at me, aiming for just about any vulnerable area, but my suit kept shifting forms, making it difficult to land a solid blow. 

Punching her, The Beetle was forced back shakily, keeping flight, holding her stomach. "This isn't like before... Is that new suit giving you a moral boost? Or are you gloating over killing my father, Tombstone!?"

"I see where you get your looser attitude from; your family must be tired of constantly being failures. As I see it, your bloodline would be better rotting ten feet under forgotten."

Crushing her gun, Beetle screamed out, flying right into me. Taking the hit, I held onto her as we began to pass through the city. Raising my elbow, I began to break away at her suit piece by piece. Twisting her around, we started violently ripping through the town, crashing into buildings and leveraging rubble everywhere. Now more in control, I began hammering away at her helmet, punching the visor with all my might.

When that didn't work, I began pressing both hands down, crushing it in. "I had no fault with you; if you had just left me alone, no one would have died. Cindy would still be alive!"

Shattering the visor, Beetle crashed down onto the roof of the daily bugle. Rolling off, my eyes locked with J Jonah Jamerson having a smoke break. His eyes widened, dropping the cigarette. "Unbelievable! I was expecting peace here, but there's more of you! You're a parasite who can never die! Menace! I'll also have your head on my tabloid for the rest of your puny existence!" 

Pulling the door open, I proceeded to walk JJ down the stairs, slamming the door shut. "I'd sue for liable in that case."

The Beetle was on her knees, trying to keep her eyes shut, glimmers of her true nature bleeding through. Pulling my face mask up, I kept my distance, pacing around her, knowing what could come next. "Keep it together, Janice, don't let it control you. Keep it together!"

As her eyes began to open, I webbed her face. Stumbling back, Beetle fell, lying on the edge of the rooftop. With a safety net for me, I lunged forward, pinning her down and pushing her head down against the open sky. "Look at you; everything you hold close to your chest is a pile of dirt. You cling to whatever life you have, even though it only brings pain to you and everyone around you. If I were to kill you right here, I would be doing the world a favour. You might even thank me for it."

Pushing her back even further, the urge to fall was unreal. But that's when the unexpected happened. Beetle fought back. A rocket came out of her shoulder, blasting me back. Rolling away, I webbed the roof, keeping myself from falling. My suit began to repair itself as I watched, confused. Pulling herself back up, she tore the webbing off, opening her eyes; her gaze met mine with an unwavering determination. "I refuse to die! I will not die, not as this, not as this lesser me. I refuse to be a nobody; I'll burn this city to the ground and gain the respect my father could not. I will be better than him no matter what!"

Red tendrils began digging into the floor, halting the pull. Everything around me was being ripped apart into her head, the black hole consuming all. Even with everything I had, it wasn't enough; I was being pulled in without stopping. Losing my grip, everything happened so quickly as I was pulled inside, pulled in with no chance of escape.


Darkness, neverending darkness. One thing followed. A voice, my voice. The voice of another, another like mine. Another me? Chaos, venom and Carnage.

Everything flashed before me as I was in a laboratory consumed by symbiotes. Crawling back behind the quarantine, I slumped over, bleeding heavily. My head hung around, and the glitching worsened. Carnage was failing me, clumps of the symbiote crumbling apart, trying to find a new host. But behind the glass, nothing could get out. No one could get in.

Looking up, I saw unfamiliar faces, a few I recognised. Spider Noir and Peni Parker are screaming at me, trying to break the glass. "Open the door! Y/N, you've got to open the door!"

"Let us in, kid! Don't do this!"

My hand dropped to the ground, unable to hold back the glitching. My body ripped apart until there was nothing left.


 A blinding light consumed me as I snapped away, floating in an endless abyss. I looked around dumbfounded; where was I? Spinning on the spot, I saw where I came from, the blackhole spitting out whatever it pulled in, including me.

"What the hell is this?"

"Are we dead?"

"I don't feel dead?" I question, looking at my hands. "Do you feel dead?"

"Definitely not dead," Carnage whispered. 

"No, not yet... But that vision, that felt r-real." I echo finding discomfort in this white void. There was nothing for as far as the eye could see. Nothing but the empty white. That's when I turned my head back to the black hole. "If I came in that way... Could I get out the same way?"

"It's worth a shot; what more must we lose?"

"I'd rather not think about it." I sigh, swimming towards the black hole. There was no force pushing me away, not at first. The moment I tried putting my hand through it, a sharp pain shread through it, forcing me back, screaming out. Blood trickled down my arm as I was left shaken. "I can't get out that way... Not easily. And from the looks of it, no other way... No, there's always another way."

"Well, we can keep looking at just about nothing. Or we can go through there, freedom."

Trying again to fit my whole body through the pain was unbearable as I forced myself back, almost passing out. "I C-C-Can't... This can't be it. No, not after all we went through! The promise, I need to keep my-."

I fell silent, feeling myself drift through the void. I can't go. This isn't like dying; this is nothing. My friends and the whole damn Multi-Verse forget me. Is this what this is? The end of the Multi-Verse, how fitting.

"Carnage... Ca- Can you get me through?"


"In one piece?"

"I'm not a miracle worker, you know."

Curled up, I held my head, biting my lip, terrified. "The last time you took full control, you, we, I hurt... I vowed never for that to happen again."

"What choice do you have? It's this or an endless damnation in light mode."

Looking at the portal, I nodded. "Do it. Take control... Give it back when we're out, no sooner or later!"

Letting Carnage take full control, we began bursting through the black hole. The symbiote was struggling, constantly healing me as quickly as I took damage. It was revolting, but with sheer determination, we pushed through. We gave them hell and vowed never to return.

The pressure exploded as we returned in one piece back to New York. Beetle fell to her knees, horrified over what just happened. 

"No, that's not possible. You couldn't have escaped."

Catching our breath, we looked over our shoulder at Beetle, furious. Carnage stood up, his body morphing. "Your little trick doesn't work on me!"

Trying to strike down Carnage with one last Hail Mary, Carnage struck first. Swinging his bladed hand, he cut down Beetle, taking her eyesight. Clenching her face tightly, she screamed in pain, unable to see. Her failsafe was snatched away. Unable to process anything, she kept walking backwards, whimpering. "Daddy. Daddy, where are you? Did I make you proud? Am I good enough to be your daughter?"

Her foot slipped right off the roof. Without any sense of her surroundings and a broken suit, she fell. She fell until she couldn't fall any longer. A loud crash echoed on, followed by screams. Carnage looked over the edge, seeing Beetle dead. Cackling to himself, he stepped back, amused. "Finally, good riddance. She won't be a thorn in our side anymore; take the wheel, Y/N. It's all you... Y/N? Are you there? Stop wasting my time. Take control... Y-" Carnage paused, his crooked smile ripping open a howl consuming the night. "Oh, this is brilliant; you really fucked up this time, old friend. But I think management is about to change now. We're going to give the people what they want... we're going to give them the Carnage Show!"

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