Chapter 88 - "Either Way, We're Winning This War."

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All of the leaders nodded. They had all been there before.

Suddenly, Craft tensed. "Guys," she mumbled, gesturing to someone.

All of the leaders turned to look at what she was pointing to.

Barter, accompanied by a smug smirk on his face and a few other East Side Newsies, was walking over to the group. There was a letter in his hand.

Spot gritted his teeth. "Why are you here?" he questioned.

Barter looked at him. "Don't you want an update on your stupid toy?" he asked, holding up the letter. "Or should I just burn this?" He paused. "Or burn him? That sounds fun. Maybe then he'd regret opening his mouth." His eyes met Spot's again. An almost evil gleam shined in his eyes.

Spot clenched his fists. "Give it to me." He held his hand out.

Barter rolled his eyes. He handed it to him. "See you soon, King of Brooklyn." He sniggered and walked off, his Newsies following him.

Spot watched him walk off, before he quickly opened the envelope and pulled out the letter inside it.

Kelly and Conlon -

I'm sure by now you know that Sling is on my side, and that we have Racetrack.
If you want to get rid of him, I wouldn't blame you. Just let us know and I'll be happy to do that for you.
If you want your precious principe back, meet us in Central Park by the East Side and Harlem border at Noon.
Don't bring any weapons. We don't want a fight. We just want—what do you call it?—to have a debate.

- Revenge

Spot clenched his fists.

Jack read the letter over his shoulder. His jaw clenched. "The fact that he implies we wouldn't want Race back... I want to kill him." He scowled.

Spot ripped the letter up. "Tomorrow at Noon," he informed the other leaders. "In Central Park by the East Side and Harlem border."

Arrow's eyebrows furrowed. "The Harlem border?"

Jack paused, realizing what borough that was. "Wait..."

"Is Harlem in on this?" Brady questioned, looking confused. "I thought they stayed out of this stuff."

"They usually do..." Pack muttered, looking at Jack and Spot.

Jack looked to Spot.

Spot stayed silent for a moment. "Well, if they are, they'll regret it," he stated.

Match nodded. "A bad first thing to participate in with the boroughs," he commented.

Spot nodded.

"Let's just hope they aren't," Pack told them.

"Either way, we're winning this war." Spot cracked his knuckles, looking off into the distance.

Silly bonus blooper (as if it were a movie)

"Spot?" Jack's eyebrows furrowed. "What are you doing?"

Spot turned to him, his chest puffed out as if to look intimidating. "I dunno. It was in the script." He gestures to his script. "I guess it's to look cool or something."

"Well, it's not working," Arrow commented.

Spot rolled his eyes and smacked him with his hat.

"Hey! I'm just saying!" Arrow stepped back, cradling his shoulder where Spot smacked him. "My precious arm didn't deserve that. This is Arrow abuse."

"Arrow abuse, Sparrow abuse." Spot rolled his eyes. "I don't care either way."

"Please don't abuse me!" Sparrow shouted from elsewhere on set. "I get enough of that from my boyfriend."

Sparks rolled his eyes. "Tough love."


"Crazy person."

"The crazy person of which you chose to marry."

Sparks pursed his lips. He shrugged. "You're kinda cute," he mumbled, his cheeks red.

Sparrow chuckled. "Thank you. So are you."

Sparks blushed.

1610 Words
Disclaimer, this isn't a movie lol, so the last part has nothing to do with the story haha. It's just a silly little bonus lol

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