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LUZ NOCEDA: i don't care what belos is up to, steven or khonshu. *determind and serious look and puts
on witch cape and hood standing determind* because today, we are saving eda.

steven and khonshu nod proud of luz's determination while king looks up worried of what luz will do.

steven,luz and khonshu walk towards the weapons room were eda keeps them as luz opens the door to it still determind
as she,steven and khonshu go inside. king catches up still worried.

KING: luz, what are you doing?

LUZ NOCEDA: *looks around for a weapon of her choice* this is serious, king. eda
used her powers to save me and steven and got caught by lilith. now she's the owl beast
and has been taken before the emperor.

STEVE GRANT: *finds and grabs duel small sharp blades and swings them a few times
getting the hang of it as they are now balanced* hmm, this will do great.

KHONSHU: nice choice steven. i gues you have a thing for duel weapons.

STEVEN GRANT: *chuckles a embarressed* yeah, i'm not a fists kinda
guy. that's y/n and jake's talents.

KHONSHU: well that just makes you special just like them, steven. they would be proud
of you doing this.

STEVEN GRANT: *smiles a bit sadly* i just hope they recover.

LUZ NOCEDA: me too steven. i don't know what he's planning to do with eda, but me,steven and
khonshu are going to rescue her.

STEVEN GRANT: and kick lilith's butt if possible!

KHONSHU: *slams fists together* i want to give that traitorous
sister of eda's a lesson to not mess with my three kids!!

luz and steven looks at khonshu perplexed and steven who is embarressed that khonshu called him,y/n
and jake his free kids. khonshu knowing what he just said blushed red on his bone cheeks embarressed.

KHONSHU: ...b-but back to saving eda.

KING: haven't you been listening to me? he's the emperor. he's the most powerful which alive.

KHONSHU: *scoffs* well this so called "emperor belos" hasn't faced a ennead god or my avatar,
so he better be ready if he's going to be fightng us, king.

STEVEN GRANT: king, emperor belos maybe the most powerful which alive but he probably has
no combat skills whatsover. he's gonna have a hard time dealing with me or khonshu.

LUZ NOCEDA: those two are right. *gets on one knee and hand on king's shoulder* king, please try
to understand. eda is in this situation because of..well me.

STEVEN GRANT: luz, it wasn't..

LUZ NOCEDA: *looks to steven* no steven, please let me finish. *looks back at king* because of my
stupid choice. i have to make it up for it.

KING: but she's in her owl beast form. how will she even recognise you three?

LUZ NOCEDA: i don't know. but me,steven and khonshu have to try anyway.

STEVEN GRANT: *puts daggers in his belt's pouches* for eda's sake. it's gonna take
the three of us to get eda back and it won't be easy with out jake and y/n.

KHONSHU: with me it will be easy. but i'll let you kids have your fun kicking ass.

KING: well, then, i'm going, too.

BOOK 1. THE OWL HOUSE: EMBRACE THE CHAOS.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu