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Rain fell in great droves across the cities landscape. Night had fallen, and with it, the civilians had shuttered their windows and locked their doors. The flimsy walls a shell to keep their peace of mind. The distress call from this universe's Spiderman came in 20 minutes ago, and Miguel had yet to locate him.
He dropped down into the demolished courtyard after scanning the area. Puddles spashed around his feet when he landed. Craters decorated the ground with broken bricks and glass littering the landscape. The surrounding buildings bore the wounds of the fight. This universe's Spiderman was one of the strongest. The eerie silence of the whole town made Miguel's senses tingle. Something bad happened here. His resolve kept him calm, but the scene was clear to anyone.
A faint beeping responded to Miguel. He sent out a locating beacon, and the closer he moved to a pile of rubble, the more persistent the beeping came. Miguel flung the rocks from the pile. A seed of hope in his chest. The sound heightened to a shrill alarm as he removed the last boulder. The tracker was revealed, and Miguel's stomach fell. With a great exhale of disgust mixed with despair, he reached down into the pile of debris. From it, he pulled the severed hand of this universe's Spiderman. The gloved hand still covered by his suit. The wrist tracker attached to the dismembered wrist.
Miguel hung his head in defeat. The rage swirled in him like a hurricane. Ready to tear apart the town building by building till he found the monster that had done this.
Every inch of his body stood on edge. The sense inside of him screaming in preparation.
"Oh my. Did I miss a piece?" An innocent sound voice spoke from behind him. A growl reverberated his chest as he turned to face the villain. The voice did little to disguise the evil that dripped from the woman in black goo. The familiar look of a symbiote stared back at Miguel. Its form was that of a Spiderman itself. The webbing of the costume reflected in the pulsating mass that encompassed the woman underneath. Miguel had never seen a female symbiote. The inhumanly large mouth smiled with pointed teeth, and her clawed hands wiggled in a feminine wave. Then it extended out towards him palm up.
"I'll take that off your hands." Miguel bit down on his jaw as the mounting violence inside him came out in animalistic growls.
"Can you not speak? I thought all the Spidermen were literate?" Miguel's grip tightened on the fallen soldier's hand. She would not claim the last piece of this hero. Respect wasn't something easily earned for Miguel, and this hero had earned it 10 fold.
"I will end you." He said with certainty. An amused chuckle came from the creature.
"I'd like to see you try."
A sudden anxiety spiked him through the back, and he dodged a black tentacle. Standing atop a new pile of rubble, Miguel placed the fallen heros hand down.
"I will be back for you." As he faced the women, she shifted like a snake. Her skin glittered with shimmering gleams as if it were alive. Miguel was familiar with a symbiotic enemy. He had fought plenty of his own. This one emanated higher power that drove his instincts wild.
"You're quicker than the last."
"You talk too much!" He spat out before charging at the woman claws out. All the ideas of a passive encounter were banished from his mind. He was fighting for blood.

The direct attack was blocked by a barrage of inky tentacles. Diverting his trajectory, Miguel clung to the side of a building. The cross hatched pattern of the protective wall slithered apart, revealing the disgusting enemy once more.
"Brute force won't do you much good. I like being wined and dined." Although familiar with symbiotes, the tentacles were something new to him. The Spiderman here never mentioned anything of the like.
"Do you like them? They're new." She stroked one like a cat between her hands.
"What are you?" Not that it mattered. She was as good as dead by the end of this night.
"That's a loaded question. We have such limited time, with trying to kill me and all." That sicking smile ripped across her face again. Rows of white teeth shined against the dark contrast of her flesh. Instead of white eyes, red pupiless eyes stared from the black mass.
Without warning, another tentacle came flying from Miguel's right, and as he flipped over it, a shower of spikes flew at him. Contorting his body, he was able to dodge them. Only one managed to slice its way through his side. The stinging sensation drove his rage further, and Miguel charged the villain again.
Bobing and weaving through the defensive counterattack, Miguel was able to reach her body.
Instead of moving from his slashes, she opened her arms to him, exposing herself in vulnerability. Before he could take advantage of the position, a staggering heartbeat choked his field of vision.
"You're so much bigger than the last." Miguel couldn't focus on her. The outlines of her form blurred and pulsated out of shape. He was lifted from the ground as a large tentacle encircled his arms and waist. Strength felt foreign to him as she lifted him weightlessness through the air.
"Let me see what you have under here."
Miguel barred his fangs as his mask came off his face. The dizziness multiplied, but he lashed out none the less.
"My my, such an aggressive one. But, much more handsome than the last. He barely had any muscle." He bit at the tentacles that wrapped around his throat. The tip of one stroking against his cheek. The sound of her words synchronized with the tentacles around his body. They throbbed around him with each word as if caressing his body. Bile rose in his throat at the thought of the disgusting creature touching him.
"No biting." The tentacle on his cheek snaked its way through his lips. The gnashing and bitting against his restraints became harder. The pressure around his neck cutting his breath.  The reinforced cord that sat in his mouth like a muzzle pulled against his lips, exposing his fangs further. The width of it extended his jaw, giving him no room to bite through.  He let out a hissing growl. The sudden burst of energy forced him forward. Their foreheads connected, sending a shocked ripple through the inky suit that covered the female.
"I like you." A sadistic giggle came from her. Each giggle ticked like a clock as the ropes tightened further around his neck. Blinding darkness took over, bringing unconscious vulnerability. Miguel fought against the tendons that choked him. Thrashing about his limbs, trying to free a claw to lash back. He would not fail his comrades.
The stinging of the wound in his side, buried through his veins. Popping colors exploded before his field of vision against the black backdrop. He let out a growl, fighting the restraints harder, choking himself further.
"You're a strong one." The childish giggles were cut off as his head connected with the concrete below. Consciousness leaving him in a monetary flash. The thumping of his head against the ground, echoing through his skull, like a lullaby.

Spiderman 2099's DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now