The set-up

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Eric and Kateryna sprinted along the gloomy, worn-out cobblestone walkway to an apartment building. They were chasing after Triple-A7, a secretive arms dealer who was supposed to attend tonight's Bolshoi Theatre performance of Swan Lake. They rushed up to the roof for the best view, and he was already on his knees in front of the Hardigg storm case. His AR-30 sniper weapon was assembled and prepared for 338. Lapau when he arrived. Chambered and loaded a five-round box magazine.

They had learned through their night drop handler that the weaponry dealer posed a danger to Ukraine. In addition, he was selling Moscow a cutting-edge defense system. After noticing a little wind, Eric cast a glance at Kateryna's way. To him, she gave a nod. Through the scope, he watched his target step out of the Mercedes-Benz. Holding his breath, the assassin pulled the trigger. With a scent of gunpowder, the rifle recoiled.

Eric folded up his sniper rifle and grabbed the case, sprinting towards the emergency staircase.

Kateryna gasped, "You've assassinated the Russian President!" The arms dealer was to be eliminated.

While the rest of the security detail combed the area for signs of the shooter's hiding place and the shot's origin, the security detail blocked the body. The Russian FSB agents sped off in their vehicles. As a significant news announcement arrived, the agent switched on the radio.

"President Putin was assassinated outside the Bolshoi Theatre. The Kremlin official stated that they suspect the individual to be a contracted killer from the CIA."


There was no sign that Eric was getting rusty; he had never missed a target before. He felt a sudden drop in his stomach. It was obvious to the skilled assassin that their agency and the White House would deny they were involved if they were caught. Furthermore, they didn't exist officially. She glanced through her binoculars. She dropped it to the ground. 

Eric walked over to the jeep and stated, "We need to get to the extraction spot quickly."

Kateryna hurried down the stairs and headed for the jeep, her eyes focusing intently on Eric. After closing the door behind her, she climbed into the passenger seat. With the FSB keeping an eye on the airport and train station, leaving Russia was going to be dangerous. The assassin tapped his earpiece.

Eric said, "We need a heli at the extraction site right away."

The communication channels were silent.

Eric thought as he slammed on the pedal and rushed across the city, "Shit, this wasn't good at all." He was now certain that the FSB had searched each safe house they had ever utilized. Kateryna turned her head to the side to check if they had a tail.

They heard a helicopter above them, but it wasn't theirs. As soon as she saw the helicopter, she recognized it. A Russian military unit. The mission was unsuccessful. If her cover remained intact, she had nothing to worry about and could gain Red's trust. Eventually, they arrived at an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Moscow and parked outside. As he scanned the neighborhood, Eric closed the door behind him. He could tell that it appeared to be a former military installation. The Ukrainian-Russian agent emerged from the car and approached Eric, motioning for him to accompany her inside.

"For a time, we'll be secured here. The FSB is probably unaware of this base," Kateryna stated.

He paced back and forth, mentally going over each detail. A second shooter has to be present. About this task, something was bugging him. The intelligence had changed since the night drop intel had also been confirmed. He ran his fingers through his brown hair while rubbing his chin.

Eric said, "Kateryna, I want to know whether there was a backup shooter in place."

There wasn't a second gunman. Eric, you were it, and now we're burned," she said.

He questioned whether one of his assets in the area might assist them in disguising themselves to avoid Russian or their security agencies. The FSB was keeping an eye on his assets. They couldn't take the chance of getting captured while they were being pursued.

To obtain some fresh air, Kateryna exited the building through the door. She had to keep certain information under wraps. Also, Eric was the ideal patsy for the Russians, who needed one. In her pocket, her burner buzzed. Before answering, she went inside her pocket and took it out.

When they arrived at the abandoned military base, she knew he wouldn't suspect a thing after our mountain approach."

"Our FSB will apprehend him and transfer him to a covert secure detention center," stated the Russian handler.

Eric walked purposefully to the window and observed Kateryna grasping her burner. Who in the hell was she talking to? He pondered whether she had betrayed him and braced himself for the aftermath he expected. The Russian leader's assassination.

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