If it was anyone else, they would probably be surprised by Wei Ying 's calm voice but it's different for Wen Qing.
She had heard it so many times in the past

She patted his shoulder,
" I understand, and I will try my best. Don't worry much about it.
Leave it to us okay ? "

" If you say so ", Wei Ying left.

Jiang Cheng was waiting for him just outside the door
He asked, " What did you talk about ? "

" Nothing you need to know "

" What ? Why ? Wei Ying you are doing something stupid again aren't you -
Wei Ying wait - you - answer me "


In the Twin Prides apartment ~

Jiang Cheng is sitting on the bed strumming his guitar.
His hair pulled back in a small bun, the purple streaks of his hair escaped framing his face.
Wei Ying is lying face down beside him.

Both of them are strictly advised to stay away from their phones.
So they switched off their phones. It also helped them avoid their mom and sister.

" Ugh !" Jiang Cheng frowned.
He flipped his notebook again, he just couldn't get the chord right
" It's still not connecting. Wei Ying don't just laze around and do some work "

" Don't wanna ", Wei Ying said voice muffled as he rolled over to bury his face into the pillows.

" I want to see what's happening on the internet ", he whined

" Wen Qing said not to ", Jiang Cheng said not looking up from his notebook

" That's more reason I want to, just how much worse can it get that we are not even allowed to react ! "

This time Jiang Cheng frowned, " Now that you say it, I am kindof curious too. "

" Hmmph see ", Wei Ying groaned in his pillow
" People love to cause trouble "

" But, I think it was pretty chaotic too, at the airport.
First there was Jin Zixuan and Lan Wangji then us -- are they talking about Jin Zixuan too ? We went there for him only it's all his fault ".
Jiang Cheng's tone suddenly became really silly, as he tried to lighten the mood.

A gloomy Wei Ying is never a good thing !

" He was pretty ", Wei Ying mumbled again face still buried in pillows

" Jin Zixuan ? " Jiang Cheng almost jumped, his voice a mixture of - a lot of emotions

" Of course not ! " Wei Ying answered with the same mixture of emotions

He too jumped up and is now sitting straight
( Their dislike for Jin Zixuan goes that deep. )
His hair fell on his face covering his eyes, like Jiang Cheng he has red in his hair.

He pursed his lips and said, " I was talking about Lan Wangji "

" Oh - " Jiang Cheng sighed in relief

" He was so pretty, so handsome and his arms were so strong and - and A-Cheng his eyes were sharp and -"


" What ? No I don't. I am just describing him to you "

" I don't need your description and don't make that face in front of me EVER AGAIN !"

" What face ? "

" That - leave it ", Jiang Cheng was about to go back to his guitar when Wei Ying said again,

" When he looked at me, it was really familiar. Like I saw him before somewhere, I don't really remember but I felt like I knew him "

" Did you forgot how many merches you have of him, in our old home. Of course he seemed familiar to you "

" Mmm ", Wei Ying has pulled the pillow on his lap again and squished his head on it.
He felt like he is forgetting something.
He is super forgetful afterall

He shrugged to himself, squeezed the poor pillow more and snatched the notebook Jiang Cheng was holding.

" Leave it for now, I was thinking about adding a flute note here "

" It will work ? "

" No harm in trying
Bring my flute ? " Wei Ying pouted

" Do it yourself "

" Uhhnh "


On the other hand Lan Wangji is doing really good.
He is sitting on his couch with headphones on, a video of some concert playing in his laptop.
He hummed along with the tune playing in his ears widened his eyes at a certain part as he rewinded the video.

He had just returned from a long shoot for a drama series and is in no mood to take any new scripts.
So he ignored his PA who was standing beside his couch with a bunch of folders.

She is smiling but her hands are sweating.

He has more important things to do than taking a new script, like recalling the incidents at the airport.

' Was he really there to meet me '

He looked up from his laptop to open his phone.
The fans are amazing they came up with at least a hundred reasons of what Wei Ying might be doing at the airport.

A hundred messages popped up, as soon as he unlocked his phone.

His uncle is screaming again and there's no message from his brother which is - not a good sign.

Lan Wangji no matter what people say about him is actually quite shy in nature, the cold face is a mask so he don't have to talk much.
But his heart can't lie or hide anything, it will beat faster ever time he remembered about the incident at airport.

He can't forget. How can he ? Afterall he...

His thoughts got interrupted by the door bell.

" Uh - I will get it sir ", his PA ran as if she was waiting to just run away

" Wangji ! "
See, why he thought it was not a good sign.

It's Lan Xichen in flesh with that stupid wide smile.

" What are you doing here ? " Lan Wangji asked in a flat voice

" I came to check on my little brother, of course "
That smile in his voice irked Lan Wangji

" I am fine, go back now "

" Don't be so rude didi ~ "
Lan Xichen sat beside his brother and asked with twinkling eyes

" So, tell me everything what happened ! "

" Nothing happened "

" Didi, it's all over the internet "

Lan Wangji sighed

" Then you already know it. Don't ask me "

" Of course I will ask. I want to make sure you are okay
Are you okay ?"

Lan Wangji ignored him and showed his phone to Xichen

" They are even shipping us now "
His eyes said everything Lan Xichen wanted to know and of course only Lan Xichen understood not his PA who gasped in fear

He chuckled," And you don't mind ? "

" They are shipping you too. With Jiang Wanyin "

" Wangji... "

Notes: Sorry for this long break college took over my life 💔
I will update regularly from here

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