god bless america (and all the beautiful women in it)

Start from the beginning

"no one. myself, i guess." i admitted, my smile turning sheepish. "i just.. i met someone, that's all."

oliver raised an eyebrow at me, but let it go. "so, long time no see y/n." his - what i assumed was irish - accent deliciously filled my ears, pulling at my heartstrings as butterflies began to swarm in my stomach.

my smile grew until i was practically beaming. "we saw each other only a few days ago though?"

"did we? it felt like weeks." he hummed, shrugging before sending me another grin. fuck fuck fuck hogwarts has so many pretty people. "i was thinking about you."

what. the. fuck. !!!????!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!??!?!?

my breath hitched, butterflies going absolutely insane in my stomach, my heart doing backflips and cartwheels (sorry lana) and somersaults and everything and dying.

"anyway," oliver continued on as if he hadn't said anything, a tinge of pink on his ears. was i delusional or was he blushing? no, it must just be from the chill. it's autumn, after all. "are you trying out for quidditch?"

i sucked in a breath. "you know, i'm not really sure about that. you made a very good argument last time we spoke, but i've never really flown a broom before."

"never flown a broom?! that's insane!" oliver looked at me as if i were a crazy woman, which in his perspective i probably was. he put his hands to his face in disbelief. "america, seriously... okay, well, how about this? later on, when we're both not too busy, i can take you to the courtyard and teach you to fly. what do you say?"

i bit my cheek, a smile still plastered to my face. "well, if you're sure i won't plummet and die... then, okay."

"you won't. not if i'm there with you." he grinned back at me, then checked the time on his watch. "oh, you better start heading to your next class. where're you going?"

"defense against the dark arts." i recalled after lots of struggle. "but i was supposed to meet my friend at the courtyard so we could walk together... the problem is, i have no idea where that is.."

i looked out at the stone corridors, every single one looking the same. there was a door to the left, but i'd already been through it coming back from herbology.

"well, i could take you if you'd like," oliver suggested, putting his hands in his pockets. nervously? or was he uncomfortable because he was just asking as a manners type of thing? what if he didn't actually like me and it was all because i was new and he felt bad for me?

"are you sure? i could probably find it on my own..." that last part was 100% a lie, but i'd feel guilty if he was late because of me.

"of course i'm sure. wouldn't have asked if i wasn't, right?" he shrugged, smiling at me. fuck, he was perfect. but i felt too guilty.

"no, no, i should be fine. you get to your own class, don't worry about me." i reassured him, clutching the books in my hands.

"are you sure?" he raised an eyebrow. he looked like that one old the rock meme. i laughed, playing it off as carelessness.

"of course. go on, don't be late!" i urged him along, gesturing in a vague direction. "i'll talk to you later about you teaching me how to fly."

"alright, if you're sure you won't get lost in the stairway..." he grinned down at me, clearly teasing. "see you, y/n."

i chuckled. "see you, oliver." i waved as he backed away, backing away myself into a random corridor. now to find where to go.


i'd made it to class with ivy, barely on time. there were no seats together, so we had to settle for two aisle seats next to each other. to my misfortune, i was sitting next to ronald weasley, aka the proudest tea pisser in this entire school.

he scowled as i sat next to him, and i sighed, rolling my eyes just the slightest bit. i scooted to the edge of my chair, trying to be as far from ron as possible. maybe i could move seats tomorrow.

"welcome to defense against the dark arts! my name is professor aarya singh, and i am your teacher this year." her voice was welcoming, thick black hair swaying around her back whilst she paced the front of her classroom. she seemed pretty young for a teacher. 

"now, it is the first day of the school year and it seems pretty cruel to start jumping into work, so for today, we're going to play a game." professor singh smiled mysteriously as the room burst into cheers. "alright, calm down. it's more of a trivia, just to refresh your minds. there are, of course, prizes. i've got quite a few treats here..."

i glanced over to ivy, who seemed quite excited. we met eyes and she gave me an excited smile. ron whooped from my right, making me startle at the sudden loud noise.

"what, i thought you'd be used to this, with all the fireworks and stuff in america. don't you have fireworks?" ron muttered, a stupid smirk on his face. i sighed before i plasted on a tight smile onto my face.

"yes, ron, we have fireworks. every july 4th we celebrate with fireworks, actually." i murmured as professor singh explained her game. i smiled innocently at him. "do you know what we celebrate?"

"something stupid like firewhisky and the unhealthy junk you eat?" he grinned, proud of his own "joke". i resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"no, we celebrate it because that's the day we beat britain's asses and got independence. don't you know anything, ronald?" i smiled as i saw ron's mouth drop open. thank you hamilton for some basic knowledge on the revolutionary war.

"w-well, that's between the muggle world," ron scoffed, rolling his eyes. 

"still. your monarchs couldn't colonize us, could they?" i wasn't ever this patriotic before. i might as well have been wearing an american flag. but what could i say? i wanted to put ronald mcdick in his place.

"buzz off." ron scowled, sinking low into his chair. i bit back a triumphant grin, focusing my full attention on professor singh as she began the game.

god bless america, and - in lana's wise words- all the beautiful women in it.

anyways idrk what this chapter is it's like 3 am (wait i thought i was lying but it actually is 3 am???? wtf) im tired so i hope this was okay lol. enemies to lovers with ronald because his love language is bullying ❤ no but he actually bullies mione way too much in the og series 😭 like leave her alone shes so amazing and beautiful wtf??? okay now bye bye ilyg mwah mwah kisses love everything love you guys

oh and if you couldn't tell professor singh is indian bc there's no diversity whatsoever in the books and the series 😭 like wtf you mean "cho chang"??? like i love the character but wtf was jk rowling thinking this is literally why she deserves to be cancelled. next thing u know the HBO series gon have a character named ching chong kim jung un like 💀 also pls don't cancel me im korean😭 idk what im saying im tired okay bye fr now i love yall so so so much kisses and hugs and kisses again

jk sleep is for the weak. so many lana del rey references in this chapter like i love her so much she's so amazing i have a poster of her and i have born to die on vinyl and i will actually create a shrine of her in my room i love her so much <3 also im thinking about that sebastian guy on tiktok who makes like the panini and the "bella ciao" song. any fic recs btw? also MIGUEL O HARA???? i need that man to slurp up my insides like i want him in me everywhere like literally please let him bite me i need this man in my soul in my life like i want to give him another daughter please please please i haven't even watched the movie yet but i already know im crying anyway ok im actually leaving sryineedonelastwordtomake2100soididthisbigwordcongratsifyoucanreadit

i want to suck dick?

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