Part 8 sisters plan

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What do you need.she asked
I just want to ask you a question.
Do you have look's for girls?
What?!w-what kind of question is that-
Aha!you do dont you?!your stuttering and you panicking!you always tell us that it's disrespectful to stutter when speaking!
Your pissing me off.
Haaa!!that's the first time i heard that word from you!
Ok fine!what is it to you?she asked
Hm~lady rebecca isnt it?i said while playing with my hair
T-thats very rude for you to say.
Dont kidd!do you?!i wont tell!
Tsk!nam!stop it!she said and kicked me
Ohhh!!my sissy is inlove-
Shh!?!?!what is that word sissy and lower down your voice!she said and immediately covered my mouth
Yeah yeah!so you jealous earlier that's why you left hm?i asked
Tsk.she then leaned back to the bead frame and crossed her arms
Dont worry i got you sis.i whispered
What's the word sis? You have been making up some random names.she replied
Whats your plan?she asked
You really wanna hear hm...

Next day

Wait!wait!i immediately ran to them who was about to leave with their partners
I just want to suggest its much better for an double date you know?i said and smiled
Double what?becky asked
Well you know since you all are leaving to spend time with eachothers isnt it much better 4 should go to same places together?i mean the village is an small place i mean you would meet and meet eachothers? Its much better if you 4 just you know?

That's nice.freen replied
I know!?while im left alone...i said and dropped my smiled
You guys should go now.i said and smiled again as they smiled and bid their goodbye
I waited for their carriage to leave as i went to my butler
Grab me an carriage.i said to my butler
Y-yes my lady.he replied and left

My carriage arrived as i immediately went inside
Go to the near bakery their.i said to the person who drives it

I have arrived at the bakery and went inside

Good afternoon.i greeted and smiled
My lady!do you need anything?the baker asked
Yes,later there will be an 2 customer that will be coming.i said and looked at my pocket watch
At exactly 1:00pm sharp,i want someone to shower them with petals and serve them the love bird's croissants the 2 person that are entering is the princess freen and her guest no questions.i replied and handed her an bag of coins
Keep the change.i said and left and went back to my carriage
I managed to passed by the restaurant where they are and looked at the small window at the carriage as i saw freen looking at me as i winked as she did the same

Freen's pov
I then winked back to nam as i saw her
Ill be back,ill just get something.i said and was about to leave
I'll accompany you?becky asked and stand up as she followed me
Are you sure?non is alone?
Yes.she replied
Yes! Plan A finished now for plan B!
We then went to the bakery as we went to enter and petals started to drop
Nam really did not played.
Oh m-my it really is valentines day!becky said and giggled
Her laugh is so....majestic like an music i could listen every second and everytime...
Customers are here!happy valentines day my lady!the lady greeted as she took becky's arms and sat us on a chair as she served an love bird croissant an two headed croissant that only lovers can eat...well that's the rules for this food..

Next part

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