"Afternoon ladies, I'm (Y/n) Forger, I've been away on a trip abroad since the move and just got back in time for the new semester, I'm awfully sorry I haven't had the pleasure of making your acquaintance," the teen didn't really mean any of it but it was all part of the act they now had to prove they could play. They shook hands with the women and smiled, complaining ones shoes and another's hair before giving the excuse of a long train ride home and that a nap was calling them away before rejoining Twilight.

"I have to say, I never expected someone of your age to do so well at reading people," he commented as they walked up the stairs, (Y/n) shrugging "A gift, or maybe a curse, most likely both," was all they had to say on the matter, their face holding a bored expression.

Twilight opened the door first, sticking his head in and looking to both sides before opening it fully and stepping through. "I'm home," out of no where a pink shape to fast to make out seemed to attach its self to his leg. "Papa!" Twilight shook his leg violently trying to get the child off of his leg to no avail before giving up and hoping she would let go on her own. And she did, once she saw the taller kid. Her eyes were wide and her face fell in awe of the teen, Twilight seemed to be over analyzing the situation as started at his daughter for a moment before opening his mouth to say something.

The little pink haired child had already hugged the teen "Sib!" (AN: Sib is a nonbinary term for Sibling) the teen was slightly pushed back as the girl rammed into them but gave a cocky grin all the same patting the girls soft unnaturally colored hair. "Heya, nice to meet you short stack," the girl giggled. That's when Twilight crouched down to be eye level with the girl.

"This is (Y/n), you will refer to them as your sibling, they have always been your sibling but went on a trip abroad for a while and is now back for the school year, do you understand?" (Y/n) Cocked an eyebrow, but the smaller girl simply stepped away and gave the man a solute "okie doki," Her reaction shocked the teen a bit but they didn't show it still sporting their cocky smirk.

The little girl then turned to the teen "Welcome to Anya's house, come with me Sib!" The girl then grabbed their had and dragged them around the small apartment "this is the kitchen where Papa makes good food," she patted the refrigerator before moving on, "this is the Living room and TV where we can watch cartoons together," she pointed to the squat TV in the homey living space then ran to a hallway across the room, the only one in the house. It branched off into five different doors only one having a sign with Anya written across it in a light pink color.

"This is the bathroom," she then scampered to the sink and pulled out a stool and hopped up on it "you can use my stool if you need to, I don't mind," the teen gave a little chuckle "I might take you up on that offer one day," she smiled and hopped off kicking the stool behind her leaving it slightly ajar under the sink but she didn't seem to mind as she grabbed (Y/n)'s hand once more making the teen bend down a bit as she dragged them to the room with the sign.

"this is my room, and this is Mr. Chimera, this is also the Headquarters for our super secret spy organization," this made the teen look over at Twilight who had taken off his blazer and ruffled his hair, he only shrugged and shook his head. (Y/n) brushed it off as kids being kids and continued to follow Anya as she moved on to the room at the end of the hall not daring to open it, instead pointing "that's Papa's room, we're not allowed in there after my scary game of tag yesterday," this confused (Y/n) but they didn't ask any questions just let the girl move on.

"This is the guest bedroom, no one sleeps in there," she pointed to the door across her room then moved to the last door in the hall and opened it "this can be your room!" As the door clicked open a dark room with opened up. (Y/n) flipped on the slights and studied the room.

It was mostly empty and was going to be used as some sort of study as the only furniture was a desk and bookshelf, a plant hanging next to a window and a rug. Something looked over (Y/n) making them look up to see Twilight peering in. "I suppose the study would make the most sense but it'll take some time to set up your room, as I stated before we haven't been here long and I only just finished Anya'a room, would you mind sleeping in the living room tell your room is ready?" He asked looking down at the teen.

"What about the guest bedroom?" They asked pointing to the door next to the study, Twilight cringed "that room is empty, we still need to get that one set up as well," Twilight assumed from past experience with Anya that (Y/n) would pout and cry and need to be bribed but instead they shrugged and turned to the living room. "Fine by me," it was clear at the moment that Twilight would need to adapt a new strategy for the teen and quick.


Twilight spent the better half of the next day in furniture stores trying to help (Y/n) get settled in the room.

(AN:) After this chapter the POV will be swapped to (Y/n) first person and will roll into the Eden Test right off the bat ^^ hope you enjoy.

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