Afterwards we had returned to gorilla. Triple H stopped me as I was heading to catering. "Here's the gifts for your father. And as soon as he's able to travel, let me know and we'll get him tickets to the next show you do.", he offers. I take the bag from him and thank him before grabbing the same things I had grabbed last week. After I take a sip of my water I feel a someone leap onto my back with excitement, nearly causing me to spill and possibly spit out my water. "Alright, you've got me. Now reveal yourself small person", I declare. A gasp comes from said small person before they jump down and I turn to them. "How dare you? I am 5'3 sir!", Gionna defends as I now realize it's her. "My sincerest apologies Ms. Gionna. I revoke my statement. May I carry your bags and as a token of my regret?" I joke in a butler type tone. "Well if you're offering, sure! Let's go. You might want to change first", she responds. I'm taken aback for a second then laugh. "Gi I was joking.", I clarify with a soft laugh. "I know but you offered so now you can't take it back. This way Alfred.", she orders. I follow. "As you command Ms. Money In The Bank.", I play along as we walk down the corridor. "So hey, where've you been? I haven't seen or heard from you all day. Hunter said you didn't have anything tonight.", I pry taking note of her absence. "Awe Seb, did you miss your work bestie already? Look at you asking the boss about me", she giggles. "Yeah I didn't have anything this week. He has plans for me, I mean I'm Ms. Money In The Fricken Bank. This week was just a rest week. I'm still a bit sore from the ladder match. He claimed he didn't wanna overwork me. If you are going to ask about my lack of texts today, I was binging the Chucky movies at my hotel room. Felt like some self care was in order. But I showed up late cuz I wanted to catch yours and judgement day's segment.", she explains. A smile creeps across my face. "Awe Gi, did you miss your work bestie that much that you had to show up to work on your day off to see my segment instead of watching it on tv?", I reply using her own phrase against her. She notices the unique and familiar choice of words and smiles. "Oh of course not. You're just the newbie. Had to see my girl Demi doing her thing. I forgot you worked here.", she pokes fun at me. I kinda felt a little disappointed. For some reason, the idea of her showing up to see me filled me with joy. "Oh. Well I do work here.", I respond looking forward. She notices my sudden mood shift and quits walking and stops me by grabbing my arm. She suspends her bubbly, joking manner and exchanges it for a more serious tone. "Hey, Seb you know I'm joking right? Of course I wanted to see you. I told you last week I wanted to hang out with you again.", she reassures me. Realizing I've brought the mood down and metaphorically rained on the parade, I sigh and palm my face. "Shit, I'm sorry Gi. Just all this family stuff going on just has my emotions out of wack. I guess I'm overly sensitive than usual.", I look at her with a sorry expression. "No it's fine Seb. I understand. You're going through a lot. Look you don't have to carry my bags if you don't want to. Truthfully, i don't really have any.", she reveals having fabricated having luggage.  "I'm sorry. I want to go home to be with my dad and make sure he's okay but I also just don't wanna go home. My family is just a minefield of drama. One argument or problem waiting to go off with a simple misstep. It makes me kind of not want to go home.", I tell her. "They just don't understand how much give and take goes into this job and they think I've been avoiding going home up until now. My mom nearly blew a gasket when I told her my new WWE schedule was going to be more time consuming than my AEW one." She retains eye contact before her gaze wanders for a second and she dons a thinking face. A lightbulb goes off in her brain as she gets an "aha!" Expression and looks at me. "Seb! I can go home with you!" My cheeks blush again and I nearly spit out my water at her idea. "W-what?" I ask. "No. Not like that. I mean you need someone from this side of your life to keep you company while you go home. Someone who can vouch for you and keep a bit of this life with you while you're home. Keep you from being driven up the walls.", she winks. Her idea does excite me but also makes me worry. "I don't know Gi. My family is lot. It's basically a nonstop telonovela. Especially my mothers side of the family. They're very judgemental. It's also a really small town. I wouldn't want you to think of me differently", I warn her. She giggles again and nudges my shoulder. "Oh Seb, I already think you're a cool person. All of our families have their issues. If you're okay with it, I'd love to see where you came from. See the place that built this 'Eternal King'", she teases. I ponder it as we've resumed our walking back to my locker room. "You know what? What the hell? What could possibly go wrong.", I agree. Then i remember my mother. Eesh. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. "Yay! I'm so excited. Now go get changed so we can go. I don't wanna sit next to a sweaty mess on a plane.", she commands. I tip an imaginary cowboy hat at her. "As so say so my dear", I retort with a Texas draw. Her eyes widen and she gasps. "Seb, you're from Texas?! I thought you were just billed there! I was convinced you were from Ohio!" This should be fun. I go shower and get out of my gear putting on comfortable clothes before gathering my bags and meeting Gi by the door. She's talking to Demi. They're in a seemingly invested conversation before they both notice me walking their direction. Turning their attention to me Gi says, "Ready to go? Parter?" She takes her turn tipping the imaginary cowboy hat at me. "Here's the cowboy himself. You gonna take GiGi to a rodeo? Or how about a hoedown?", Demi playfully says. "Oh ha ha. Very funny", I sarcastically utter. "Wow only the second week and you're already going home with him. Don't pull any slick moves over my GiGi there Drake.", Demi instructs me. Gionna blushes and playfully hits her shoulder. "Demi stop it's not like that", Gi claims. "Sure whatever you say. Safe travels lovebirds. Seb take care of my friend. Make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble.", Demi requests as she begins heading to her rental. "I will try my best." I promise. I offer to drive and with me doing so Gionna kicks her feet up on the dashboard and gets comfortable playing music as we make conversations talking about what WWE has planned for us. She tells me how much being chosen to win money in the bank surprised her and how honored it made her feel. "Well I wasn't surprised. I was just excited. You worked hard. I always knew you were could hang with the best. Those matches with Becky proved to all the doubters that you're more than a mid card talent", I compliment her. "Well thank you Seb. That means a lot.", she smiled as she looks out the window. We arrive to the airport and get our tickets. We fuel up on snacks and essentials before eventually boarding the plane. We both are tired and end up crashing. I wake up and notice her head is on my shoulder as she remains sound asleep. I scroll through my phone replying to messages and letting my dad know we're getting close to landing. Once we do, I inform her we still have a 4 hour drive left. Before hitting the road we make another pit stop at a gas station for more snacks and beverages. As we start the long drive, what I expected was Gionna to return to her slumber. To my surprise, she remained awake through it all. We ended up having deep conversations. What inspired us to get into the business, family life, our love for John Cena. "So Seb, I don't mean to pry or get too personal but what's the dating life look like for you? You don't have to answer if you're not comfortable but who was lucky enough to score a nice kind guy like you?", she questioned. The question comes kind of out of left field as I wasn't expecting it. I'm usually not this open about my love life but for some reason Gi is just easy to talk to. "I was engaged. I had a vacation planned to get married and honeymoon but after the whole thing with CM Punk happened, I knew we were gonna need to work our way out of it so i postponed the wedding so I could work and help out. It was a long strenuous conversation but she left me. Called off the engagement. That was a year or so ago. She never really could get passed the fact I had to travel so much. It's just hard dating with the life we live. I don't blame her. The amount of passion and drive I have for this business, I give everything I can to it. Yeah I probably give too much but, this is my dream. It's like a drug that I can't get enough of. She wanted more of me and less of me being gone and i couldn't give that to her. We spent 3 years together and i tried to make it work. I didn't want to lose her. I loved her and when i finally realized that and when I tried to get her back, she had already moved on with someone else.", I rant. There's a slight pause of silence and I realize that I just dumped a bunch on a fairly new friend. Maybe a bit too much. The feeling of regret seeps into me and I immediately feel the need to apologize for trauma dumping on Gi. "Hey Gi, look that was probably too much to drop at once, look I'm sor...." I begin before I'm cutoff by the sound of sniffling. I shift my focus to Gionna to discover she's tearing up. "Hey Gi, what's the matter?", I ask with concern for her sudden change in attitude. She released another sniffle before explaining her mood shift, "I just....I'm so sorry. I can relate and understand. That story just is so upsetting and you don't deserve that. Did you find out if she was cheating on you or not?" I took a deep exhale and recalled those past events. "She was. It turns out her leaving me was an excuse to get out of the relationship. Every time I went on the road and went to work, he would go fill my place at home. He slept in my bed, ate at my table. To my girlfriend, I was nothing be disposable and replaceable. I thought we meant more to each other.", I explain. Gionna grabs a tissue from her backpack and begins to wipe her eyes. "No one deserves that. Especially not you. Ever since we met you've been nothing but a kind, sweet, warm soul. You deserve better", she claims. "I don't know. I guess my dad just raised me right. I doubt I'm all that you sized me up to be.", I say. She takes a playful gasp of betrayal. "Sebastian, I don't know you're middle name, Cervantez!" I guess my name isn't too long now, is it? "How dare you downplay yourself like that. You are a saint and you are everything I said you are and more", she protests. "Alright fine Gi, if it'll make you feel better I agree", I give in. "No. Say it. Say you're amazing.", she requests. I chuckle looking at her words. "No Gi I'm fine.", I assure her. "No it's the mental talking. Just say it. You are amazing. Can I hear you say it? Say 'I am amazing'", Gionna insists. "Fine. I am amazing. Feel better now?", I ask. She giggles, "Yes. I very much do. But you better not forget that or else.", she threatens. After I acknowledge her statement it's quiet for a couple minutes before I break the ice. "So what about you? What's you're relationship situation? I heard rumors and read supposed 'factual' posts claiming you and Bo Dallas were married, yet that's the only ring that doesn't have a finger on it.", I interrogate her. She takes a beat to reflect on it. "Yeah well we were never married. We dated for a while. When he got released, things changed. It's like the dynamic of our relationship had shifted. After a few months we just drifted apart. I've been single ever since. Couldn't find anyone I really click with. I'm not too adamant about searching either. My mindset has been. If it happens, it happens. Maybe one day a nice guy who's parents raised him right will stumble into my life.", she subtlety hints but it goes over my head because I'm an idiot. "Well I'm happy for you. And hey, we got each other. Good company is always a positive in my opinion.", I respond. We get back to my hometown and I ask if she wants to get a hotel room. She says she's fine with just staying with me. I let my parents, who I'm staying with, know ahead of time I was bringing a friend so they were prepared to have company. "Maybe they'll convince you to sleep at the house more instead of in that uncomfortable chair next to your dad at the hospital.", my stepmother joked in a text. We get to the house and drop off our stuff. Nobody is home because Michele is at the hospital with my dad. I told Gi it was just a quick stop and then straight to the hospital and she was fine with it. The door opens to my room and I drop our bangs on the bed. It's been left the exact same since I lived here. "So this is the room you grew up in", Gionna says scanning the room. The thought didn't hit me until we walked in that I never told her I was a collector. A collector of many things actually. Vinyls, CD's, books/comics/manga, funko pops, anime/marvel/DC props, legos, and action figures, and sneakers. She looks around and I'm slightly embarrassed putting our stuff in a secure place. When my eyes find her again she has a look of amazement on her face. "Yeah I'm a collector. This I guess is my guilty pleasure I'm a...", she cuts me off. "You're a giant nerd!", she smiles in amazement. "Seb this is awesome. This stuff is so cool.", she compliments. A breath of relief leaves my lungs. The platinum blonde opens my closet to see where my old shirts are hanging. "Are these your old clothes? You have an interesting taste.", she skims through the t-shirts. Something catches her eye and and she grabs 3 shirts and turns to me. "Ahem.", Gionna cleared her throat to grab my attention. I turn and see it and blush. "Uhhh", no words came to my mind. What she was holding her each Liv Morgan shirt that had been released. I mean I had multiple wrestling shirts. Cena, Bloodline, Johnny Gargano, and multiple more. I only really kept up to date with the shirts of wrestlers I really liked. Gionna was one of them. "Wanna explain yourself Seb?", Gionna teased as she slightly swayed my shirts. I couldn't even think of a lie. To be fair, I didn't need one. "Hey, I told you I'm a big fan.", I came clean. She lets out a soft adorable laugh. "Well thank you for the support. I love all my fans.", she jokes. We get our stuff situated then begin to head to the hospital.

(Author's Note)
So this was a mix of work life and personal life. I'm thinking about either doing a chapter for each or keeping the mix. I'm 50/50 on it.

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