Returning Home

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Oliver and John returned to the cave, with Oliver leaning on John's shoulders.
'What happened to you guys!?' Felicity exclaimed, she rushed over to the men carrying the first aid kit.
'I'm fine, Oliver's a little worst for wear though. Bullet scratched his ankle.' John responded.
'No, it's fine, I'm okay.' Oliver grunted. This gave little reassurance to Felicity 'Here, let me look at you.' She said.
She helped Oliver to the table, who rolled up his trouser to expose his ankle. Felicity started to dap the antiseptic onto it gently causing Oliver to shout 'OWW.'
'Jesus Christ,' She thought as she placed her hand on his arm to steady him. She liked the feel of his arms, they were strong and muscular, but most importantly, safe. She often fantasised of being swept into them, to feel those naked arms around her waist and to drop small kisses onto them. Of course, she thought it would never ever be like that with them in a million years, even if they did share another kiss like the one they did in the hospital. She knew that he'd always choose being the Arrow over anyone else, even himself.
Once she was done mending him, she tugged on his hand which caused him to give her his full attention. Those bespoke blue eyes of hers always caught his breath and he felt he could stare at them forever.
'Be careful, Oliver. This is the third time this week that you've need stitching.' She said.
He always thought her concern for him was sweet and it was one of the reasons that had caused him to fall in love with her, of course, he was not willing to admit that he was in love with her to anyone. He was too afraid that it would put her at risk, but mostly, he was afraid that he would also hurt her in the process for he couldn't ever be with her. His lifelong mission was to protect the city and he wasn't allowed a distraction.
'Oliver man, you need to tell her.' John stated as soon as Felicity left.
'John, what are you on about?'
'Don't act confused man, it's obvious you're in love with Felicity. Even if you aren't willing to admit it.'
'Diggle, you're not making sense. I don't have feelings for Felicity...and even if I were to, I can't be with her. It's too dangerous, and I don't want to hurt her.' He said reluctantly.
'Have you ever considered doing something for yourself for a change? You're so caught up with helping others that you don't even see that the one person who understands you can be the one saving you.'
'I don't need saving.' Oliver stated with reassurance.
'Ah, that's what you say, but someone once told me that every hero needs saving. And judging from the amount of times you've need stitches this week, you clearly do. Just think about it, man.' And with that John left.
'Aah I need a drink or two' Oliver thought.


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