Cookies of darkness x pokeranger reader

Start from the beginning

-He does talk about Pastry with a bitter and sour voice

-Some cake monsters do see you as a master of sorts

-If your given a mission with Red velvet it's commonly with being a guard for Dark Enchantress

-During the mission he'll practice taming or your magic

-If you come back from a mission hurt he'll patch you up


-How you managed to gained her attraction was possibly many things

-She has constant denial about you attraction to you

-Through she'll try to look into your future but it unable to see it

-She does also stock you as she can know what your doing

-She'll get into arguments with Licorice alerting you the your being followed by the two cookies

-And gets into fights with Matcha

-She does try to have missions with you

-When you do have a mission with her she'll keep you close as to avoid you running away

-When you come back to a mission she'll keep you close

-In meeting she'll stare at you with the same cold stare

(Poison mushroom)

-How you gained the cookies friendship of Poison mushroom was possibly his pet

-They'll stay with you when your at the tower

-He does sometimes attempts to have you join in getting shroomies

-Does give you shroomies that might be poisonous so be careful

-Don't be surprised if your given a shroomie that changes your appearance it might get the cookies of darkness go more obsessive about you based on what happens 

-If you have a mission with him it will be like taking care of a semi high child

-If you come back from a mission hurt or tired he'll give you a shroomie to help

-In meetings he'll be the same as before


-How you gained the cookies attraction was possibly your looks

-He'll call you his priest/priestess

-He does use incense to calm you and make you drowsy

-He does see you below him

-If your given a mission with Affogato he'll have you do most of the work

-If your hurt from a mission he'll use a incense to calm you and stop you from working

-In meetings he'll get close with you

(Earl grey)

-You met at the hotel as you were given a mission at there

-How you gained his attraction was possibly your looks

-He'll have you help around the hotel with possibly tasked with some jobs

-You'll be wearing a uniform

-These jobs are commonly jobs like a cleaner

-Your given a room in the hotel

-He'll sneak into your room with a copy of the key to leave gifts or to look at you

(Chess choco)

-You meet when you were given a mission in the hotel

-How you became their friend was possibly you playing chess with them

-You do have be their parents

-Both cookies would want you to play chess with you

-Both cookies would attempt to get your attention

-If a customer attempts to harm you they'll attempt to protect you

((White pawn))

-They are joyful with you

-They play overconfidently in chess

-They would attempt to get your attention through throwing tantrums

(Black pawn)

-They are more relaxed around you

-When playing chess they play more serious

-They will manipulate you though the use of your emotions or the silent treatment


-She is heavily delusional

-How you gained her attraction was possibly your looks or her delusions

-Her and pomegranate get into fights over you

-She does give you green tea that might be laced with stuff

-When your near her she'll be going on incoherent mumbles

-If your on a mission with her she'll be clinging to your side

-If you come back from a mission hurt she'll cling to you

-During meetings she'll attempt to get as close she can get


-How you gained the attention of his pet was many things

-He does get manipulated by his pet

-He's protective of you

-He does follow you

-If your given a mission his pet will stick close

(Dark Enchantress)

-She is the sole manipular to have you join her ranks

-She knew of your tribe

-She manipulated Pomegranate mirror

(Bat cat)
They met you when you tamed the ruby beetle

-They keep their distance with you

(Dark spirit helmet)
A nameless cookie warrior posseses this helmet legends say to not put it on

-It met you with Dark Choco it fell in love with you

-They are overprotective of you getting you out of harms way

(Ruby pomegranate)
A Pet with kindness in their heart

-They want to help you escape but is unable to with Pomegranate staring down it no neck

(Ribbit shroom)
A toad that Loves mushrooms and met you when you forced to down a mushroom

-It hops around playing with Poison mushroom on who can eat the most

-Don't be surprised if they wear a fairy costume

(Crying saucer)
It continuously cry's after Earl grey broke it's tea cup

-it stays with Earl grey

-As long you don't break anything you won't be followed

(Nougat knight)
Swore loyalty to Chess choco and swore loyalty to you under the kids command

-They follow you everywhere in the hotel

(Green tea bag)
a Green tea bag that makes tea with clean hot water

-Matcha does use them to make tea

(Erire anglerfish)
They met you at a meeting and well it's strange

-They are manipulative as they see a powerful for their goals

-They manipulate Lobster to be a guard to you

(Eye of eternal darkness)
They seen the end and beginning

-They know what will happen to you

(Thank you to MiylyneCook for the request)

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