The Kingsroad

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A/N: Alright, I changed the fic cover pic but it still leaves much to be desired for me personally. If anyone has any fic cover pics or ideas let me know.

Next Chapter date: Chapter 3: Lord Snow- 06/27/23

"You insignificant worm!" Robert roared getting up from his seat. He made his way to Jaime and pulled him up by his collar. Jaime just smiled cruelly at him, a hint of sadness in his eyes "you never cared for my sister. Why do you care?" he asked in a harsh whisper. Robert was about to retaliate when a harsh wind blew making them all shiver harshly and a previous warning came back to them. Robert let Jaime go and took a step back, growling to himself he returned to his seat. Catelyn was looking venomously at Jaime from her seat but a slight tug on her sleeves broke her glare. She looked to her side and saw that it was Bran in his wheelchair. She looked at her with tears brimming around her eyes and hugged him tightly. Bran at first froze before he awkwardly returned the hug. "Do not hold it against him mother" he started, "he loves his family very much and was very loyal to them" he explained in an even tone. "He crippled you! You could have died" she said holding back a sob.

He shook his head, "I wouldn't have died. And even if he didn't push me, my state would have happened anyways" he explained. Catelyn wanted to ask more but Bran stopped her, "I'm sure the explanation would come up here. But know that I might never be able walk, but I can fly" he said with a small smile and returned to his place beside Sansa who was smiling sadly. Jon too was looking at them sadly while Arya didn't show any emotions which still unnerved both her parents and eldest brother. Catelyn frowned slightly and sat uncomfortably in her seat. Seeing the changes in her children had really unnerved her and from what she knew, even Ned was deeply unnerved. She sighed internally and decided that these memories would be her only way of knowing.

The screen buzzed to life and the next memory started.

The Dothraki khalasar led by Khal Drogo have departed Pentos and are heading east. They travel away from the Free Cities and into the Dothraki sea, the long-grassed plains that the Dothraki call home.

"That looks beautiful" Lyanna said. "It really is" Dany smiled and became slightly nostalgic.

Viserys Targaryen accompanies the khalasar, meaning to stay with Drogo until he fulfills his end of the bargain and provides him with an army with which to invade Westeros, despite Ser Jorah Mormont's suggestion. He tells Viserys that he offended his liege lord, Eddard Stark, by selling poachers into slavery. When he received word, that Eddard meant to execute him for the crime, he fled to Essos.

Dany shuffled in her seat uncomfortably. What Jorah had done was unforgivable and she stood on the very opposite side of it. But she knew Jorah, the man who had changed since that moment and decided that he had earned forgiveness in her eyes.

Viserys laughs at the notion, saying such trivialities would not be punished under his reign. Daenerys is finding adapting to her new role as khaleesi to be a huge challenge. Only Mormont offers her some solace, telling her it will become easier.

"It wasn't comforting in the slightest the way you kept saying it" Dany mumbled in jest. Jorah rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

Daenerys is however fearful of her new husband and it is revealed that their first sexual encounter has left her slightly injured.

Dany blushed hearing a few chuckles, "I was not used to the harshness yet" she defended herself when an amused Jon looked at her.

Fascinated with her gift from Illyrio, Dany asks her handmaidens if they have ever heard of dragons surviving in the east. They reply no, but Doreah, a former pleasure-girl from Lys, tells her an old story about how there used to be two moons in the sky. One wandered too close to the sun and cracked like an egg, spilling out thousands of dragons into the world.

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