126-130 END

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charter wife diary
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 127: The 127th day·Liu Fengnian, who is diligent and thrifty in managing the family...

    The residents of the Huacheng Safety Zone don't know why their commander-in-chief Song Baichuan was able to teleport back so much food after a trip to Pingcheng, not only rice and flour, but also fresh meat and vegetables! And that’s not all, the strangest thing is that at some point, two large machines suddenly appeared at the gate of their safety zone’s headquarters. It is said that they can be used to buy supplies, no matter what they are, as long as they have enough Mutate plants and animals for exchange.

    Who can believe this kind of thing? Even if so many supplies were sent back from Pingcheng, it would be impossible... But he never expected that Song Baichuan would actually take people outside to get a few mutated animals and plants and come back the next day, in front of all of them. The human face cut up the mutated animals and plants and threw them all into the big hole of one of the machines. After seeing Song Baichuan fiddled with the two machines a few times, he really got a lot of supplies, but let them Keep your eyes open!

    And after Song Baichuan clearly showed them the power of the whole set of equipment, he also told everyone about the next plan. Even though it was the news that all the staff participated in the labor, it didn't arouse anyone's disgust. On the contrary, after knowing that they can eat the food they have grown with their own hands, everyone is gearing up and wishing to start working immediately. Knowing that it will take a few days to prepare, these people can't wait to urge the military people every day and every moment go to work.

    The Huacheng Safety Zone has developed. The development of the Pingcheng Safety Zone, which was the first to eat crabs, is naturally more prosperous. Today, everyone in the Pingcheng Safety Zone has something to do and everyone has enough to eat. Although the standard of living is still not as good as Compared with the situation before the doomsday, compared with the desperate days when the last meal may not be finished just after the doomsday, the life of not worrying about being invaded by mutated animals and plants, and not having to worry about running out of food is already impressive. Very satisfied.     It's just that compared with the gradually developed Pingcheng Safe Zone and the Huacheng Safe Zone, which can quickly carry out its own development plan after being rescued at a critical moment, life in other safe zones is miserable and miserable.

    Just as Song Baichuan led his subordinates to work hard to build the Huacheng Safety Zone, one day he suddenly received a message for help from Yu Mengsheng, the commander-in-chief of the Yuncheng Safety Zone in the neighboring province. From Yu Mengsheng's description, Song Baichuan learned that the current The Yuncheng Safe Zone is facing the same situation as the Huacheng Safe Zone not long ago. Yu Mengsheng really has no choice but to watch nearly 10,000 people under his command starve to death, so he seeks help from other safe zones to see if there is any. The safe area can have surplus food to donate to them.

    In fact, before contacting Song Baichuan, Yu Mengsheng had already contacted many security zone commanders and told them the same thing, but all the replies he got were rejections, just because the situation in all security zones is not good. , in the current world, it is not bad to have enough food for the survivors to live for one more day. How could there be extra food? Who would think there is a surplus of food?

    Yu Mengsheng understood the truth, but it was difficult for him to persuade himself not to make hopeless efforts for the survivors, and he still had a chance: what if? What if there is a safe zone that is so rich that it can not only support everyone in its own safe zone, but also provide help to other safe zones?     After being repeatedly rejected by the commanders of other safety zones, Yu Mengsheng finally contacted Song Baichuan. He never expected that he could get a solution to the questions that were always rejected in other safety zones, but here in Song Baichuan.     Yu Mengsheng hurriedly asked: "Captain Song, do you really have a way to help me?"     Song Baichuan said, "I have a way, but not completely. It's just that I know who has a way."     His tongue-twister words Yu Mengsheng was really confused: "Then Team Song, you, do you know who can do it?"     Song Baichuan said confidently: "Pingcheng Wuyou Apartment, Fang You!"     ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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