"I didn't  say anything. "

"Boys, enough." Luna sighed.

The elevator reached the top floor were Chancellor Palpatine was at. They left the elevator and stood outside the door for a moment, then continued walking heading towards a flight of stairs. Walking in sync towards the Chancellor.

"Chancellor." Obi-Wan said bowing.

"Are you all right?" Anakin asked.

"Count Dooku." Palpatine said ignoring Obi-Wan and Anakin.

Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Luna look over to the balcony.

"This time we will do it together." Obi-Wan said

"I was about to say that." Anakin stated walking over to the other side of Luna.

"Get help. You're no match for him. He's a Sith Lord." Palpatine said as Dooku did a front flip off the balcony taking out his lightsaber.

"Chancellor Paplatine, Sith Lord's are our speciality." Obi-Wan said turning over to Palpatine.

"Your swords, please." Dooku stated as Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Luna took off their cloaks. "We don't want to make a mess of things in front of the Chancellor."

"You won't get away this time, Dooku." Obi-Wan responded as they walked up to Dooku. Then igniting their sabers.

First Obi-Wan then Anakin ran up to Dooku  and started attacking him. Dooku was blocking all the attacks. Luna then ran up to them taking Dooku from behind.

They stopped attacking when Dooke took a step back from the three of them.

"I've been looking forward to this."

"My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count." Anakin replied.

"Good. Twice the pride, double the fall."

They attacked Dooku again. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Luna. All clashed their sabers with Dooku's. They slit the sabers away from each other. Then Dooku Force pushed Obi-Wan and Luna on the ground away from him and Anakin.

Anakin and Dooku fought up the stairs as two droids came down the other. Obi-Wan and Luna stood up and blocked the shots that the droids were shooting.
They ran up the stairs slicing one of the droids legs and body in half. Luna finished off as Obi-Wan ran over to Dooku and Anakin.
Obi-Wan only got one strike on Dooku's lightsaber when he lifted Obi-Wan into the air with the Force, then throwing him across the room. Obi-Wan hit the balcony railing then falling to the ground getting knocked out. Dooku used the Force and pushed down ba piece of the balcony over  falling on Obi-Wan.
Luna ran over kicking Dooku off the balcony.

"Luna, go get Obi-Wan, I'll take care of Dooku."

"Are you sure?'

"Yes, now go." Anakin stated then jumping off the balcony.

Luna watched as Anakin attacked Dooku by his self. She wanted to help him but the other half of her knew Anakin could handle it.
Luna ran over to Obi-Wan and crouched down next to him.
She put her hand on Obi-Wan's face,  sensing that he was still unconscious. She moved her hand to Obi-Wan's shoulder and rolled him over on his back. Luna looked back up and saw Anakin and Dooku fighting in front of the chancellor. Anakin grabbed Dooku's wristed and sliced his hands off. Dooku's lightsaber flew in the air then Anakin grabbed it and igniting it. Dooku got on his knees and Anakin out the lightsabers by Count Dooku's throat.

"Good, Anakin. Good." Palpatine praised Anakin. "Kill him. Kill him now."

"Anakin, don't!" Luna shouted.

"I shouldn't."

"Do it!"

"Anakin-" Luna stopped when Anakin ignored her and cut Dooku's head off. Luna sighed looking back at Obi-Wan.

"You did well, Anakin. He was to dangerous to be hept alive."

"Yes, but he was an unarmed prisoner." Anakin stated using the Force to open the handcuffs that was around Palpatine's wrists. "I shouldn't have done that, it's not the Jedi way."

"I told you not to." Luna whispered.

"It is only natural. He cut off your arm, and you wanted revenge. It wasn't the first time, Anakin. Remember what you told me about your mother and the Sand People? Now we must leave before more security droids arrive."

Anakin ran over to Luna and Obi-Wan.  And helped Luna getting Obi-Wan out of under the broken balcony.

"Anakin, Luna, there's no time. We must get off this ship before it's too late."

"We are not leaving without him!" Luna stated.

"He seems to be all right." Anakin said.

"Leave him, or we'll never make it." Palpatine said.

"His fate will be the same as ours."

Anakin lifted the broken piece of the balcony, Luna grabbed Obi-Wan's arms and dragged him out of the way. She laid Obi-Wan's head on her legs moving his hair out of his face.
Anakin put down the heavy piece of the balcony on the floor. He went over to Luna and grabbed one of Obi-Wan's arms and put his other hand under his back, lifting Obi-Wan on his back.

I love him (Obi-Wan x Luna Skywalker OC)Where stories live. Discover now