"Alright, ask away Emeritus." She grinned. "But nothing too extreme."

"Ah, but I cannot promise you that, cara mia. But I'll start of easy for you." He chuckled. Leaning back in his chair, Terzo's features expressed a look of contemplation before posing his question. "Tell me, what is your favourite colour?"

"Yellow." Alice smiled, feeling a wave of comfort wash over her, nothing else in the room mattering but the man's kind eyes in front of her.

"And season?"

"Autumn." She responded instantly, sipping her champagne as he nodded in agreement. "And that was two questions darling."

"Mi dispiace, I want to know everything about you!" He laughed. "Fine, it's your turn."

"Alright, what is the one thing you think you'll miss the most while we're away on tour? You know, to prepare myself."

Alice smiled warmly as she watched Terzo's playful facade faltering for a brief moment, a genuine expression of deep thought crossing his face. Then suddenly he smiled, a hint of bitter-sweetness in his eyes as he thought about his answer.

"Well, my dear, I will miss my cats." He met her gaze again. "Si, yes...my cats." He nodded, confirming his answer. "Ok, level two, you ready?" He smirked. "What's your favourite physical part about yourself, your body, what do you like about yourself Alice?" He rested his chin in his hand as he took another swig of champagne, finding amusement in how the question had appeared to make her slightly uncomfortable.

"Well, I like my hair, I always got complimented on its natural colour." She raised a brow when he twirled her blonde locks that were resting on her shoulder around his  finger, admiring it.

"I agree...bellissimo...many would pay thousands for this." His eyes looked deeply into hers, a fluttering feeling deep within his stomach causing him to let go of her, sitting back and clearing his throat; there was something he hated about not being in control of his emotions. "Ok, your turn."

"Two can play at this game, Mr. big-ego." She teased, smirking as she asked him. "What's your biggest insecurity?"

"Oh amore, you're making me tremble a little." He grinned. "I could probably talk for hours and brutally pick myself apart...but something I'm very insecure about that I don't let a lot of people know about is...my fear of abandonment. I- eh- I often feel like I'm not good enough, and that people are usually better off without me." He picked at his fingernails, avoiding eye contact. "So I find it hard to trust people. And it's been a bit of an issue for me over the years because it often makes it difficult for me to build relationships and share these kind of things, you know?"

"I understand, so you're doing very well." She smirked and took his hand, encasing it and tracing the length of his thumb with the pad of her own.

"Well you're different Alice. There's something about you, you're so easy to trust somehow." He felt her squeeze his hand a little tighter and a smile tug at her lips. There it was- that strange sensation. "But anyway, biggest insecurity, my terrible trust issues. And my height, of course." He added with a chuckle, lightening the mood.

Laughter bubbled between them as their conversation continued, their questions delving deeper and their connection growing stronger as their dinner was placed in front of them. Yet, amidst the lighthearted banter, Terzo, who couldn't help himself any longer, decided to throw a daring and suggestive question into the mix, his voice low and laden with intrigue.

"Your biggest turn on?"

"Terzo!" A blush painted Alice's cheeks, and she leaned closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "Terzo, you can't just ask me that!"

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