"good pick," i say as i jump over the back of the couch and land on him. 

"i only pick the best, now get the hell off of me." he tells. "we should get going soon, the traffic is looking a little slow today."

"alright, you can drive since i don't know where the festival is,"

"well it's a bit hard to miss, but alright," he replies with a laugh and walks over to the coat rack by the door. as i check and make sure i have everything i may need for today, mikey grabs the keys, and then we head out the door. right as we're about to leave the driveway, a car speeds by passed us, almost hitting the back of the car, which causes mikey to slam on the breaks.

"remind me why you decided to move here instead of, oh, i don't know, sedro? You'd have lived near me, and the traffic wouldn't be as bad. it's also safer."

"nowhere is safe mikey, you can get hurt doing literally anything. besides, daytona really isn't that bad, you're just used to the quietness of washington, along with the weather. we both know we prefer rain over sun, but here we are. in florida."

"still. you didn't have to move all the way across the country from me."

"you're right, i didn't have to move all the way across the country from you, but i did have to move all the way across the country from jason."

"blake, he's our dad."

"not a very good one," i grumble, ending the conversation. about ten minutes later, we get to the festival, and it's huge. as soon as we get inside, i get the gut feeling something is going to happen. good or bad, i don't know, but something.

first, we went to the center stage to see who was preforming. mikey didn't know who it was, and i only had one guess. as usual though, i was right. as we were leaving, i caught a glimpse of a sign on the side of the stage that said the performer's name, which happened to be 'mike's dead'. after that, we wondered around a bit more to check out some other stuff. we even, quite literally, ran into ricky horror while we we're at one of the merch tables.

"motionless isn't on the set list," i mumble to mikey.

"we play tomorrow," ricky told me and my brother. apparently i didn't say it quiet enough. "me and vinny wanted to check out some stuff, so we all agreed to get here a day early." he tells.

"oh, that's cool. i loved the last al-"

"BLAKE, THE BAND I WANTED YOU TO SEE IS ON STAGE RIGHT NOW WE NEED TO GO BYE IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU RICKY," mikey yells quickly, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him to the main stage. as we're running, i look behind me and wave at ricky, who waves back with a very confused look on his face.

after dodging and shoving through many people, we finally make it to the stage to hear what mikey informed me to be the end of the song 'exit wounds'. up next is been the only song from this band i know, which is 'the worst in me.' the sole reason i know this one, is because for thirty minutes in the car, mikey played this on repeat. at least i know all the words now.

after 'the worst in me' had ended, they played 'glass houses', at least i think, i couldn't really hear mikey that well when he was talking. the singer's voice is hypnotizing, and i definitely see why mikey loves this band so much. i genuinely liked them, i sincerely hope they do more stuff in the future, but maybe something a little less sempiternal-ly.

once the band had left the stage, me and mikey agreed it was time to go to the boardwalk. we got elephant ears, sugar swizzle sticks, and we went on almost all the rides. all besides the rollercoaster. mikey refuses to get on it, and i have no idea why.

"mikey, we even went on the big swings and the drop, yet you still won't go on the rollercoaster? what the hell!"

"i don't like them! find someone else to go with you, because i will not  be getting on that rollercoaster with you!"

just as i was about to reply to him, a tall man with several tattoos and his hair in a bun walks up to us. 

"do one of you guys need someone to ride with? me and my friends wanted to ride but there was fie of us and i'm the odd one out," he says with subtle smile.

"yes! thank you! this guy won't go with me," i say giving mikey a glare.

"hey, what the hell, you know i hate rollercoasters!"

"yeah, okay. you sir!" i say, pointing to the familiar looking man. "let's go ride a rollercoaster!"

with a smile, he begins walking with me. "for future reference, my name is noah,"

rollercoaster; noah sebastianWhere stories live. Discover now