two's company, three's a workout.

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Okay so it was like 75% for him and 25% for the work out.

"Am I early?" I heard a voice say, Brad removing his hands from me, as we both turned to face the door of the private work out room. My heart dropped into my stomach, my back leg dropping so that my knee was on the floor. There stood Harry Styles. I knew Brad trained him, I just never thought that would be the client he was talking about today.

"No mate, I accidentally double booked. This is Katie, she just has to do her cardio, so I figured I can have you both run the same set." Brad said, Harry's eyes moving over me as I stood up straight. He licked his lips turning to Brad, nodding. I couldn't help but suddenly feel like he felt bothered by the idea, my chest flushing red.

"I can also just go run out in the main gym, I don't—no you're fine, really." Harry interrupted me, smiling small, pulling off his sweater. Underneath he just wore a black loose sleeveless shirt, blue shorts on his lower half revealing the giant tiger tattoo on his thigh. His arms were built, layered in tattoos, I found myself trying to take in each one, before realizing I was staring and quickly going back to stretching.

"Alright, five minute sprints and sumo squats on the tread before the next set. That fine?" Brad asked, pulling out a weight bench so he could sit and time us.

"Sounds good." I said, standing up straight and moving to take off my sweater. I slipped it over my head, when I had it off completely, I looked at myself in the mirror in front of me, just in my sports bra now, catching both Brad and Harry staring at me. I moved my sight down, pretending I didn't notice, folding my sweater, placing it down by the tread. I stood up, adjusting my leggings and climbing on the treadmill, Harry soon joining me on the one to my right. He stretched as he climbed on, his face was so serious, his jawline so strong. I had always been attracted to him, but now seeing him in person was a whole other thing. I licked my lip, looking away from him and in the mirror in front of me.

Harry's POV

Brad had talked about Katie before more times than I could keep track of. I knew he had a little crush on her, a crush that had everything to do with fucking her; and now that I was seeing her for the first time, I understood why. She was fucking gorgeous. Her dark warm skin, honey eyes, brown highlighted hair and legs that my god went on for days. She looked soft, small muscles outlining her movements and as she stepped on the tread all I could do was acknowledge her ass. I swallowed, moving my gaze, usually so good at avoiding goggling at women but I couldn't with her. I stepped on the tread next to her, both of us setting our speeds to where we were comfortable, beginning our five minute sprint.

We both had our vision glued at our reflections in front of us, but every once in a while, I let my gaze fall on her. Sweat glistened on her tan skin, her perfect tits bouncing slightly even under the constraints of her sports bra. I felt blood rush to the prick in my shorts, the adrenaline of the sprint not helping. I moved my gaze back to the mirror, glancing at Brad in the reflection staring at Katie. I watched as he bit his lip, his eyes clearly eating her up. The timer went off for the five minutes, he quickly moved his eyes from Katie, pushing off the weight bench and walking over to us.

"Okay, one minute rest then twenty five sumos." He said, starting his timer. I glanced over my shoulder at him nodding, Katie standing with her hands behind her head, breathing deeply, "You okay?" He asked Katie, placing his hand on the small of her back.

"Yeah, just feeling extra winded today." She smiled a bit, peeking over at me.

"It happens." I said, as the timer went off again, both of us moving into position and starting our squats. Brad took full advantage of this time, constantly moving to grab Katie's hips, adjusting her form; though even I could tell it was correct. I bit my lip, pushing through my squats, trying to ignore how badly I suddenly wanted to be the one adjusting her form. I just wanted to know what it felt like, to dig my fingers into her hips.

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