"You must replace it with a suitable substitute."

Mulling over the idea, you reach for the door handle. "Competition starts when we open the car doors or when we get to the store door?"

"Store," he grins, and you both exit the car.

Warily, you keep an eye on him to ensure he doesn't run to the door to get there before you. Instead, he maintains that silly grin that doesn't show his teeth, but keeps his dimple on display. At your feet jointly cross the threshold, you grab a basket and race to the dairy, picking up milk and butter at the top of your list. Recognizing that you've got to cross to the other side of the store for fish while most of Harry's items are in the produce area, you smile at a teen girl with her friend as they look over the magazines. Passing them quickly, you mutter loudly enough for them to hear, "I cannot believe Harry Styles is in the produce section at my Tesco."

Giggling, you hear the girls gasp before their footsteps rapidly move in Harry's direction. It's not long before you've grabbed the last items on your list and raced to check out. A few minutes later when your dishevelled boyfriend approaches, he finds you leaning on the bumper.

"WINNER!" You laugh, twirling in your victory, and he swats you on the arse as you get into the car.


"Come on, H," Brad encourages, watching his client carefully, "one more wind sprint."

"Lighten up, mate," Harry complains, having surpassed his usual workout time, his chest heaving with exertion.

"Hmmm..." you pop your hip and put your finger on your chin, "I bet I can beat you this time around."

"Baby..." Harry starts, "No offence, but there's no way you could keep up with me."

"Really? Put your money where your mouth is, pretty boy." You glance at the trainer. "Will you start us?"

"Absolutely," Brad grins, and you're confident he thinks you have zero chance. "Ready..."

You line up next to Harry, toes on the same line.

"Steady..." Brad's voice floats across to you.

"Did I tell you I bought new lingerie?" You whisper just as Brad shouts the final word, and you take off in a sprint, knowing Harry hasn't even left the starting spot as his mind churns with thoughts of you in whatever you might have bought.

At the finish line, you turn around just in time to spy him crossing the line behind you.

"WINNER!" You jump up and down. "I beat you again, H! Sorry. Didn't know I was dating such a loser."

Hands on his knees, Harry flashes his toothiest smile. "You sure you want to go there, love?"

In reply, you smile and walk away, shaking your hips more than usual.


Turning off the telly, Harry twists to face you in bed. "Up for a friendly battle?" He asks, and you don't even hesitate.

"Yes!" Bouncing to a seated position, you excitedly settle your legs underneath you. "What will it be? Chess? Scrabble? Cribbage?"

"Oh, I was thinking of something a little more...interesting." His eyebrow quirks as his dimple appears alongside his smirk.

It never occurs to you that you'll lose. After all, you've always found a way to beat him whatever the game. This will be no different. "Bring it!" You grin.

"Okay. The rules are simple. We create challenges for each other. But they can only be challenges that can be done here in bed with what's available within arms' reach. First person who can't complete the challenge loses."

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