More, I guess...

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The end of time...

End of a life...

In the end, what is to happen?

If we shut the world away...

Will we survive?

Everyday is the end for someone,

Somewhere on the earth, another life vanishes

Another candle is blown out

The sad, cold-hard truth?

Few even care.

Look at the world from another point of view for a day

Walk in my shoes and see things as I do...

Just take a step back

It's incredable what you can see...

There are ven things you never evven knew existed

In this turbulent world, we rarely see true beauty, yet alone find it

But if we don't, the darkness will consume us and all we'll see is the evil in the world

It's all around us

The forces of light... and dark

When in balance, they complete each other

But tip the scale too far one way...

And the world is out of balance again

Walking through crouds of face-less people, I ignore them

They do not matter to me,

Nor I to them

With their big fake smiles and pathetically stupid lies...

I despise them all

They look at me and see another girl who struggles to find herself

Someone who doesn't belong anywhere

They all think I'm happy like that... but I'm not

They can't see through my fake smiles

I feel sick from being do left out

Yet hate the thought of being more social

I'm desperate to find something more....

Before my time is up

Can no one understand what it's like to be me?

Everything is just so damn complicated

I can be surrounded by so many people that it's hard to breath...

Yet feel so lost and completely alone

Deep inside, my heart aches as the wound is reopened

I'm bleeding deep inside

When will this secret pain go away!?

I need my own hero...

One who is not afraid to give their life

Please come save me in time!

Please... please show me I'm worth more...

Worth more than some pointless attempts to escape

I try so hard...

But will it even matter... in the end...?

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