Chatper two

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I got snapped out of my trance when I heard someone clear their throat.  I looked out at the crowd before strumming the cords on my guitar.

It’s probably what’s best for you, I only want the best for you and if it’s not the best then you’re stuck,” I began to sing.

I could hear and see the crowds’ expressions.  They were screaming and clapping as I sang.  As I was looking out to the crowd, I noticed I was starring right into the person’s eyes.  They were looking back at me and smiling.

You never really can fix my heart,” I sang as I ended the song.

The crowd jumped up, and down, and cheered like a maniac.  I thanked everyone and made my way off the stage.  As I got off the stage, I was hugged by Alex.

“Oh my gosh Brooke!” she exclaimed, “You were amazing.”

“Aha thanks,” I reply, hugging her back.

She released her embrace.

“I want you to meet someone,” she said with a huge grin.

She stepped aside and a tall figure was making their way towards me.  I swear I could feel my jaw drop.  I couldn’t believe who it was.  I mean I saw this person in the crowd, but I thought I was dreaming.  Can someone please pinch me?


“Hi,” I shyly replied.

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