01. Wrong New York

Start from the beginning

Wait, concrete?

Muttering a curse, Ivy turned over and focused her gaze on the glass display of a store, glancing back at herself in the middle of a bustling street. A sign on the door assured her that she was still in Brooklyn, New York. But, it didn't feel like it. Picking up the stray box, Ivy groaned once she spotted her cracked phone on the ground, shards of the broken protector laying waste on the ground.

Picking up the device that thankfully still worked, she dusted herself off and stood up, the sheer white skirt she wore over her black leggings tainted with dirt and grime. Ivy could tell people were giving her weird looks, with only a minority ignoring her sudden presence as they went about their day.

"Um, excuse me." she waved to a passer by. "Do you know where the nearest clothing store is?"

The hour after her strange phenomenon felt like a blur. Nothing felt right. With every step she took, her mind told her to run. Run to Visions Academy. There were also times she felt herself... malfunction. Her entire body would feel shaken up and go weak, her legs stumbling over one another as each and every limb on her body felt like jelly. Dusk came and she had just left the convenience store, a small sandwich in hand and a bag of her dirty clothes in the other.

It was only luck that her brother had told her how to hack and she was able to get through Visions Academy's attendance list that night. Using the public computer at a local library, Ivy found her way into the prestigious private school, editing her name into the list of students taking part in the academic year after going through its rigorous database and protection.

It had been a while since she had worn a proper school uniform, blazer and all. The next morning, she looked far from her usual self, who mostly wore tight fitted clothes in pale colors, contrasting the mundane and dark tone of her uniform. Sighing to herself, Ivy zipped her bag and took one last look at the Motel room she was staying in. Thank god, she didn't have to spend a night there anymore.

Strapping her bag over her shoulder, she made her way to the bus stop. With her phone dead, bare without a screen protector and no form of entertainment available, all she could do was people watching. Everyone had their own little life filled with the world's greatest simplicities and struggles, walking past each other not knowing one day, they could meet again.

It was the uncertainty of it all that made life frightening. The uncertainty of how she was able to move to another world, the uncertainty of how her life will play out now.

She was deep in thought when she made her way onto the bus, realizing the only seat left was the one next to a short-haired, blonde girl. Hanging her head low in order to not garner any attention toward herself, she made her footsteps light as she walked to the back of the bus, and sat down. Placing her bag beneath the seat, her head suddenly perked up when her senses crept up on her, eyes meeting the blue ones of the girl beside her.

A wave of familiarity rushed through her, recognizing the girl was just like Ivy. Her lips parted and her eyes widened, the two girls whispering in union. "You're like me."

"I'm Ivy Moon," the black haired girl offered her hand.

The blonde girl took a bit longer to snap out of her initial shock, but soon grasped her hand and shook it. "Gwen Stacy."

She's pretty was the second thought that came to Ivy's mind. Her roots were darker than the rest of her hair, which was slightly wavy and pushed behind her ears. A small piercing rested on the end of her right brow, reflective under the sunlight that had slipped through the window.

Both girls noticed they had been gazing at the other far too long to be considered normal for a first time meeting and looked away with tinted cheeks. Clearing her throat, Ivy posed a question. "How'd you get here?"

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