Love and eSports Bonus Episode

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"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final playoff of the 2023 Chinese Ghost Story's Spring Semifinals! I am your host for today, Zhao Jiaqi, alongside my co-host Li Fa. We have an extraordinary treat for you tonight with our special guest commentator. Please give a warm round of applause to the Red Queen herself, China's pioneering female pro eSports player and the current Head Coach of the reigning champions; Team Zhi Yi, Ms. Bei Weiwei!" The man on the right side of the commentator's booth announced, igniting a thunderous eruption of cheers from the stadium crowd. The woman herself gave a radiant smile at the camera. She looked absolutely impeccable in a long crimson side buttoned coat with a matching dress underneath. It was evident that Weiwei's stylist had truly outdone themselves in crafting her exquisite look for this momentous event.

After retiring from active play, Weiwei took on a new role as the strategist behind the scenes, providing guidance to the new team members. She was the last of the original five members of the founding team to retire. Her husband was the first to step back from professional gaming, just over a year after their wedding. He had his hands full with the release of the Chinese Ghost Story sequel and the company's transition to cybersecurity. Soon after, Yu Banshan and Qiu Yonghou also decided to move on. Yu Banshan was needed for the company's expansion, while Qiu Yonghou chose to pursue a master's degree and later joined a cutting-edge gaming PC engineering firm. Although Qiu Yonghou still made occasional visits to the company, it wasn't the same as when they all lived together in the clubhouse.

Finally, it was Hao Mei's turn to retire. He had initially planned to retire alongside his adopted little sister, but government restrictions on same-sex relationships, particularly for public figures, forced him and KO to make the decision earlier. The couple found leadership roles in the company's American branch, where they legally married and even contemplated adopting a little girl. As Weiwei thought about her former teammates, her smile softened. She pushed thoughts of her pseudo-family to the back of her mind and gracefully acknowledged her introduction with a slight bow of her head. In a polite voice, she expressed her gratitude by saying, "I'm pleased to be here. Thank you for having me here today."

The two announcers shared a lighthearted laugh, and then Zhao Jiaqi resumed speaking. "As always, the Red Queen shows her grace with her regal presence and eloquent words. I was disappointed to hear that your husband, the renowned Xiao Nai, couldn't join us tonight. However, a little birdie informed me that you both have some exciting news to share with us. Care to enlighten our eager audience?"

Weiwei's smile widened, and with a mischievous gleam in her eyes she revealed the highly anticipated release date for the new Kulan Mountain expansion to A New Chinese Ghost Story. She urged the audience to direct their attention to the screen for an exclusive preview of the game, causing an eruption of chaotic cheers from the audience. As the preview played on the large screen located to the left of her, Weiwei couldn't help but chuckle to herself. It was evident to those familiar with the original team just who were the players in the captivating screen captures. Neither she nor the others had lost their gaming prowess over the past seven years since their team's inception. If anything, they had become even more formidable. Weiwei made a mental note to suggest to her husband to mention the possibility of organizing an All-Star exhibition game during one of those little weekly calls that he did personally to Feng Teng. Such an event would undoubtedly generate tremendous buzz and serve as excellent advertising for both the companies and for the league.

She tabled that idea for the time being as she focused on providing her expert commentary for the ongoing match. The prospect of organizing an All-Star exhibition game would have to be postponed until at least the next season, considering the demanding schedule that she and her husband had lined up for the next six or so months. Additionally, she would need to consult with the other veteran players from different teams to gauge their interest and availability. Nevertheless, Weiwei couldn't deny that the idea held considerable merit for publicity.

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