1: Stress? I don't even know her.

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The moon shone into the dark house as it illuminated the dark corners. It was an eerie night as only one occupant was in his room with the sounds of clicking and frustrated grunts and the glowing light slipping out from the little gap of the ajar door. Upstairs in the room, Riley was sat at his streaming set up, speaking to his viewers whilst trying to defeat a boss in the game by the name of 'Childe'. "GOD DANG IT!", he screamed, eyes watering at the red 'challenge failed' words on the monitor. He sighed, "ok guys. I officially hate Childe...I'm also going to take a break. I think my roomie will be home soon. Be back, guys!", he says as he turns the camera off and removes his headset. Maybe I should ask her for some tips on how to defeat Childe.., Riley thought as he descended down the stairs.

The sound of a key jingling in the lock resounded in the quiet space. "Come on....just get in there~", a voice growled in annoyance on the other side. Finally the door unlocked as a sound of relief followed and the clacking of boots could be heard, entering, against the floor boards. "I'm home~", a tired voice projected, just barely slipping her shoes off and taking her jacket off. Riley rounded the corner to see his roommate and his best friend. He took in her appearance. She was in her work uniform which consisted of a white button up paired with black slacks. Her brunnette hair was in a messy ponytail which has loosened at the hairtie. Her facial expression looked tired as hell.

"Welcome home, Yuna. How was work?", he asked, dismissing her disheveled appearance. Yuna gave him a tired smile, "it was tiring. I had to close again, which I don't mind, of course." They both made their way to the kitchen where Riley opened the fridge pulling out some containers filled with food. "I cooked earlier. I saved some for you, I'll heat it up for you." Yuna could only nod in appreciation as she slumped down in the dining chair, heaving a heavy sigh of relief. "You've been working a lot lately. Especially these night shifts. They do know that you're a college student, right?", Riley questioned, glancing at her worriedly. "Of course they know, Riley. It doesn't matter though, I don't mind the extra hours. Just means more money.", she says, giving him a small smile.

After she had eaten her fill, they moved to the living room to have a late night chat. A regular thing for them. "So, are you streaming tonight?", Yuna asks, curling up on the couch and resting an arm on the back of it, leaning her head into it. He joined her on the couch and mimiced her position. "Yeah I am. I'm up to where I have to beat Childe. In the Golden House? I've failed so many times~. You gotta give me pointers, Yuyu.", he whines, giving her his best puppy eyes. The brunette giggled at his attempt of horrible puppy eyes and flicked his forehead with her third finger. "Alright, alright. I guess I can give you pointers. Listen close, I won't repeat myself now."

Ten minutes. Ten minutes is how long the explanation took for her to say. Afterwards, they bid each other good luck with their gaming and college work. Yuna was now in her work office, slumping over her desk as she focuses her mind onto her essay writing and not to fall asleep. She looked down to the time displayed on her laptop. Midnight already? Just a few more minutes, she thought as she repositioned her focus to her writing. A few more minutes turned to two and a half hours later. The beautiful brunette tiredly closed her laptop and laid her head down on her desk. "Mmm...just...a little....nap...", she muttered to herself as her eyelids fell instantly.

The time was 3am when Riley came down to check on Yuna. He entered her office, "Yuna~. Oh...heh...you overwork yourself too much, Yuyu." He grabbed a spare blanket from the storage room and draped it over her sleeping figure. The auburn haired man smiled softly at the angel before him, swiping some stray hairs from her face. "Goodnight, beautiful."

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