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Daya didn't know where she was. All she knew was it was incredibly fancy and there were a lot of excited whispers around her. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. Almost everything was blurry except for the soft pink and white flowers that decorated the space around her. She looked down at herself, finding white lace sleeves along her arms and tight white pants clinging to her legs. She shook her head in confusion.

But she realized what was happening when she looked in front of herself. While everything else faded into blurs, Bosco was in full view. Her dark hair was pulled back, tiny white flowers dotted the top of her head, and her eyes practically sparkled. Daya's breath hitched when she looked at all of her. Especially when her eyes landed on the dress the smaller girl wore.

She opened her mouth to tell her how gorgeous she was, but no words came out. All she got out was a mumbled compliment, one that she woke herself up with.

Daya opened her eyes to find herself in her bedroom that was only illuminated by the soft glow of the lights she had hung up for Bosco. It took her a moment to realize what she must've been dreaming about, and her eyes widened when she did. She turned over to pull Bosco closer to her side, but instead she found her girlfriend sitting up and hugging Fendi in her arms.

"Baby?" Daya said through a yawn, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "It's late. What's wrong?"

Bosco looked up at her, sighing and leaning against her arm. "Can't sleep." She whispered.

Daya smoothed a strand of hair out of her face. "Is it too hot?" She asked. "I can turn the AC up. Or move some of the blankets off of the bed."

"It's not that." Bosco sighed, earning a lick to her hand from Fendi. "I'm going with Gigi tomorrow and I'm nervous."

Daya should've known that's what was bothering her. She pulled her closer to her side, pressing a kiss to her temple. "You have nothing to be nervous about, princess." She said as comfortingly as she could. "The people there are nice. At least most of them are..." She added quietly. She was nervous about Bosco running into one person. She hoped that wouldn't happen.

Bosco turned over to curl up against Daya's side. "I'm just gonna feel out of place. Everyone there is going to be so perfect and I'm"

"And I wouldn't have you any other way." Daya wrapped an arm around her, giving her a small smile. "You're perfect just like this."

Bosco wasn't very convinced. She laid back down beside her, letting Fendi curl up by her side. "You promise you don't just say that because I'm your girlfriend?" She asked, reaching for the ring around her neck.

Daya frowned, kissing the top of her head. "I say it because I mean it. And because it's the truth. You're perfect, you're everything good and more."

It took a moment, but Bosco gave her a small nod before moving even closer against her. She rubbed her tired eyes and draped a leg over Daya's hip. "Is it too hot to cuddle?" She asked quietly.

Daya smiled this time, pulling her closer and resting her head on top of hers. "Not when it's with you."

Bosco let out a sigh of content, closing her eyes once in the safety of Daya's tight embrace. She leaned her head against her chest, her finger instinctively tracing over the tattoos that she had studied so well. "Just be home when I get back tomorrow."

"I will be. I promise." Daya ran her hand through the smaller girl's dark hair and down her back, feeling her muscles relaxing under the touch. "...You should wear white tomorrow."

Bosco opened her eyes, looking up at her in confusion. "Wear white? Why?"

Daya didn't dare tell her about her dream. "You look pretty in white." She said with a small shrug. That was just the truth.

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