"Hey there, little redhead princess!" a familiar voice called out from behind. Lottie turned around, a grin spreading across her face as she recognized the voice. It was Richie. Just as Lottie looked back, she witnessed Olivia playfully smacking Richie on the arm while rolling her eyes. The sight elicited a giggle from Lottie, who approached them.

"Hey, Liv!" Lottie greeted Olivia with a beaming smile, enveloping her in a warm hug. Olivia returned the embrace, their happiness evident in their embrace. When they finally released each other, Olivia grabbed Lottie's hand and began dragging her away, their laughter echoing through the hallway. Richie jokingly complained about not receiving a hug from "his princess," adding to the jovial atmosphere. The two girls walked hand in hand, their pace quickening as they sought out the rest of their friends.

With excitement bubbling within them, Lottie and Olivia hastened their steps until they were face-to-face with the rest of the girls. Lottie's smile widened as she joined the group.

Charlotte greeted Jane and Nancy with a warm smile, her hand still intertwined with Olivia's. As she turned to greet Cynthia, she couldn't help but notice Cynthia's gaze fixated on their joined hands. Perhaps she was admiring her bracelet? Lottie didn't dwell on it for long, deciding to release Olivia's hand and approach Cynthia for a hug.

Closing the distance between them, Lottie embraced Cynthia as if they hadn't seen each other in years, despite being together just yesterday. There was something about hugging Cynthia that stirred indescribable feelings within Lottie. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but it was a sensation she cherished. Oh, she would do anything to always feel like this.

The embrace lingered for a moment, their connection conveying a depth of friendship that went beyond words. Finally releasing each other, Lottie looked into Cynthia's eyes, a radiant smile spreading across her face.

As Lottie and Cynthia stood face to face, their eyes locked, two different oceans looking at each other in a moment of pure connection, their smiles radiated a warmth that outshone the sun itself. In that brief span of time, it felt as if the world paused.

"Hey Cynthia, you wanted to show us something," Jane's voice interrupted their connection, drawing their attention away. Lottie turned to look at the rest of the girls, eager to see what Cynthia had to share.

"Just look at what was published in the school paper today," Cynthia exclaimed, displaying the paper for everyone to see. To their surprise, there was a censored picture of them mooning everyone. The absurdity of it all elicited giggles from the girls, including Lottie.

Lottie couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging as she laughed alongside her newfound friends. Being in their company felt incredibly nice, at this moment, being among her new friends felt like a dream come true.

While Jane began to read aloud the accompanying text, the girls huddled closer, their desire to comprehend every word tangible. Lottie positioned herself behind Cynthia, her playful nature compelling her to rest her chin gently on Cynthia's shoulder.

Yet, as Jane's voice faded into the background, Lottie's attention shifted. Her mind wandered, The subtle scent that enveloped Cynthia intrigued Lottie, momentarily distracting her from the words being spoken. Did Cynthia always smell this delightful? Perhaps she wore a new perfume, or maybe Lottie had never noticed before. It was as if a sweet breeze had graced her presence, it enchanted her senses, leaving her longing for more.

At that moment, Lottie couldn't help but be drawn to the softness of Cynthia's sweater. Its fibers seemed to beckon her, promising warmth and comfort. She imagined wrapping herself in its embrace, feeling the gentle caress against her skin as if drifting into a peaceful slumber. The idea of borrowing Cynthia's sweater flickered through her mind, a desire she hesitated to voice but couldn't entirely dismiss. She wonder if Pherphaps Cynthia would let her borrow it for a short time.

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