"Your jokes suck, the funniest thing about them is how bad they are"
I scoffed.

"Likewise with your pranks"
Miranda retorted.

That is not true.

She's wrong.

Very wrong.

"My pranks are hilarious"
I huffed.

She's just mad because she's on the receiving end.

I grabbed Miranda's mask off her face and put it on.

I bet it looked good.

Miranda glared.

"Give that back wretch"
Miranda hissed.

"Or what? You'll squawk at me"
I grinned.

"Your acting bold -"
Miranda started.

I grabbed Miranda's face.

"Maybe you will flap your Wings and ruffle your Feathers in frustration too?"
I smirked.

I heard Miranda breathe heavily.

I snickered, she was enjoying this.

"I would not"
Miranda retorted.

Miranda's Wings was actually out right now.

I ran my Finger over part of her Wing.

Some of her Feathers ruffled.

"Is that so?"
I chuckled.

"Silence pest"
Miranda snarled.

I laughed and headed to bed.

I woke up and saw Miranda was asleep.

I got up and remembered it was a service day.

Shit 20 minutes till it starts.

I quickly got ready and saw Miranda was still asleep.

She would miss her own Church service.

I got a Cup and filled it with Water.

Oh she isn't going to like this.

"Wake up"
I yelled.

I threw the water on her face.

Miranda woke up and glared at me.

This was pretty funny to me.

I pointed at the time.

"There is much more peaceful ways to wake someone up pest"
Miranda glared.

"You can't lecture me about peaceful"
I protested.

I got to the service and saw no Doriana, she must be at the Reservoir.

I'm surprised she remembered.

I sat next to a Girl called Elena.

"Is Mother Miranda running late?"
Elena asked.

I deadpanned.

"Your close, aren't you?"
Elena questioned.

"Yeah we are and she is"
I informed.

"What is the deal with you and Mother Miranda?"
Luiza inquired.

"Yeah I've been wondering that"
A Villager interrupted.

"Yeah me too, the only times Mother Miranda doesn't have this intimidating look on her face is when she's with you"
Another Villager explained.

"Give her some space"
Luiza deadpanned.

"Well I am in a relationship with her, in all honesty"
I admitted.

I was glad the service started so I didn't have to listen to there reactions.

All I saw was there shocked faces.

The service was dull.

It always was.

I was glad when it ended.

"You told those Villagers about us"
Miranda stated.

"I did"
I deadpanned.

"I see also you will be glad to know your friend showed up at the Reservoir"
Miranda smirked.

"Why are you so happy about that?"
I asked.

"She despises it and I enjoy watching her struggle and then Moreau decided to throw up on her"
Miranda explained.

"Is she ok?"
I questioned.

"She will be eventually"
Miranda informed.

I decided to head to Doriana's home.

Is she alright?

I knocked on the Door and Doriana opened it.

Well at least she's awake?

"That slime ball threw up on my hand"
Doriana glared.

"Miranda was going to kill you"
I informed.

Doriana looked scared.

I guess she didn't remember that part?

"She gets so mad, keep your scary Girlfriend under control, I finally heard about that"
Doriana explained.

"She is the leader of the Village there is only so much I can do"
I scoffed.

Well that's that.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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