She enters the classroom, sitting on her usual place close to the window looking at the rain outside

"Aaron..." she says softly

Aaron's a very know student, Capitan of the volleyball team, part of the council club, popular, beautiful, funny, good humor, friendly, people rarity talk bad about him... He's very respected person around the school, everyone knows and trust him, but what was that today? What did he mean by "waiting for the right moment"?

"You're late"

You hear a voice from behind you, and when you turn to its source you see him, standing there near the entrance of the classroom, wearing a cold expression and giving you that endless stare from his piercing grey blue eyes, not saying anything as he's looking into your soul, trying to reach it, you could feel that he's right there, watching each and every one of your moves. The cold presence that lingers in the air, is from him, as the room feels colder the closer you are to him

"Sorry... I was walking..."

"I know"

He slowly closes the gap between you and him, he's standing really close as he's looking at you, his eyes now filling his sight, as he doesn't miss a single detail, his piercing eyes looking at every part of your face, and even deeper inside you, his voice is so cold and calm, and yet so full of passion and intensity, it even made you shiver

"I've been waiting for you"

You now feel his cold breath on your face

"What do you mea..." She doesn't finish since the teacher enters the room interrupting any conversation someone had telling to sit on their places

He slowly moves back, now standing a few feet away from you, but you can still feel his presence, watching you as the teacher speaks to the class and then sits down ready to start the class, but Aaron, doesn't pay attention, he's watching you, from every place of the classroom, he looks at you everywhere he can, and you can't help but feel nervous, his intense gaze giving you goosebumps and making you want to run, as he stares into your soul again, and looks at each and every part of you, missing no details

She trys to ignore his gaze trying to concentrate on class, which is kinda hard since he's sitting on the table right next to her, wich is unusual since he always sits on the front

He's constantly watching you, his cold gaze making you shiver, his stare so empty yet so cold and dead, his eyes looking into your very soul, giving you goosebumps and making you feel nervous

You try to ignore him as you focus on the class, but you can feel his cold, intense stare, piercing your soul, giving you goosebumps every time you feel it or see his cold emotionless face, and making you feel your heart pounding with fear in your chest, waiting for the moment when his stare will make your very soul belong to him

Sometimes she also glances at him and then turns to the window trying to ignore him as much as she can

The class starts, but you can't stop the feeling of his empty, piercing gaze that pierces your soul, as you keep glancing at him but never look him in his dead eyes, his stare making your heart beat faster and your stomach tighten

You try to focus in the class, but the more it goes, the more his stare makes you feel nervous, giving you goosebumps and making your heart pound faster

What will you do? You can't focus in class anymore as his intense gaze keeps making your heart pound faster. What will you do?

She raise her hand "Miss? Could i go to the bathroom?" She says as the teacher look at her

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