"Guys, whatever it is, it's happening fast. Look," Kie says. We all turn, following her gaze out of the window. The land below us is sandy and approaching quickly. "That looks like Barbados. I've been there with Terrance," Cleo says. "Okay," JJ nods his head nervously. "There's seven of us, one of him," He says. "You know my vote, we storm the cockpit," He nods. "No, who's gonna fly the plane dumbass?" John B hisses.

"I've seen Pope fly simulators!" JJ says, his eyes wide. "I-I crop-dusted for my Uncle last summer," Pope shakes his head nervously. "This is not the same thing," He says as the plane rocks. "We don't have time to pretend that's a real option," Kie hisses, her teeth clenched. "Do you have an idea?" JJ asks her. "Something safe?" I nod, agreeing with Kie. 

"Why don't we just wait until the plane lands somewhere safe, and then we sneak out. And if somebody comes to mess with us, we mad-dog them," Pope whispers. "Okay," Kie nods. "Okay," Cleo whispers her agreement. "I like the mad-dogging part," JJ nods. "Just put that back," I hiss worriedly. "Put it back. Be cool," I nod, trying to follow my own advice as JJ gathers up the stuff he took from the bag. 

"Hey, Jimmy. Is that- is that Burning Man? Right there?" John B nods, trying to point to another picture to distract him again while JJ shoves the pictures back in the satchel. "Yeah, that's Burning Man, alright! That was my first time!" Portis laughs. "How many- how many times you been to Burning Man?" He asks, nervously keeping his eyes on JJ. "Oh, I started going when I was 18!" He chuckles. "GT's, baby! GT's!" He laughs. "Yeah, I-I've heard a lot about it," John B says as JJ slides the book back in. "I-I've never been west," John B continues.

"Hey, man! What the hell are you doing, man?" Portis screams, turning around when he feels JJ fumbling with the bag. He shoves JJ away and stuff goes flying and he slams into the side of the plane. JJ tries tugging the bag out of his reach and we all scream as Portis turns, trying to tug it out of his hands, the plane lurching up and down. "That's mine!" He screams as John B and JJ fight him for it. "Get off him!" I scream. "Who are you really?" JJ screams. "Fly the plane!" Kie yells as we shake. "It's my book! Give it back!" Portis yells. "Fly the plane!" I beg. "Please fly the plane! Please fly the plane!" Pope screams, his eyes frozen shut as we all continue to scream at him.

Portis grunts as he turns back around. "Come on, Fish, come on!" He grunts as we head straight for the ground. We all scream and the plane rocks, speeding straight for the water. "Come on! Come on, Fish, come on!" Portis continues begging, pulling up on the controls. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" JJ says as the plane shakes. "Beneath!" Kie screams as we flatten out slightly, all bracing ourselves agains the walls of the plane. We hit the water at angle, flipping back up into the air.

Screams echo through the cabin as the plane bumps, sending stuff flying everywhere. The plane slams back into the water, sending us all flying forward again as we scream. The nose of the plane dives forward and we all fly into the cockpit. We all groan and cough as the plane fills with water, sinking quickly. I surface, spitting up water. "Guys, guys, guys," Kie moans, holding onto a fishing net to keep herself up in the air. "Is everybody good?" Pope asks. "JJ, wake up man! We gotta get out of here!" Pope says as I help him lift JJ from the water.

John B pops open the panel to the side of us, sliding along the floor of the plane. "We gotta get out before it sinks!" JJ nods, pulling me forward towards the door. "Oh, no, oh, no, no, no, they don't look friendly," John B says as at least six men in uniform run down the beach. They carry guns at their sides, shouting at each other in an unknown language. 

"No, they look very unfriendly," Pope spits. "We gotta go! Come on, come on!" John B shouts, pulling himself from the plane and into the water. "We gotta go! Jump, jump!" Pope nods as Cleo falls into the water next. "Come on hurry," John B says, helping Sarah into the water as she coughs. "We gotta go, now! Come on," JJ shouts. "Go, Pope," John B says as Pope dives forward, Kie at his heels. JJ dives after her. "Y/n, let's go!" John B shouts at me. "I'm coming. Go!" I nod at him as he jumps into the water, following the others. "Y/n! Get out before it sinks!" JJ screams at me from the water. 

"Come on!" He shouts as I turn back to look at Portis, floating unconscious in the cockpit. The others keeping screaming at each other, trying to swim for cover. "Hurry!" JJ shouts at me. "Hang on!" I scream. "No, no, no, y/n, come on!" John B shouts when I turn for the cockpit. "Come over here! Get to the pier!" Pope screams as JJ swims for the plane. I swim toward the cockpit, trying to reach him. "Y/n, come on! You gotta hurry!" Kie screams nervously. 

"Go! Go! I'm coming!" I hiss at JJ as he and the others circle the plane, swimming to the other side. "Protis!" I say, lifting him from the water. "Portis, wake up! Wake up!" I shout, dragging him through the open window of the plane and into the water, swimming towards the shore. "I got you," I pant, trying to paddle my way to the sand. I pull him onto the shore, struggling as he flails. Bystanders rush up to us, pulling him from the water. "Take him!" I pant, crawling across the sand as I cough loudly. His head rolls to the side, looking at me. "Thank you," He groans as I spit up water. "You lied to us," I spit. "Who are you?" I demand. 

"Oh God. You should get out of here," He moans, watching as the men from earlier zip toward us on four-wheelers. I stand up, finally realizing the others aren't on the shore. "Shit," I hiss, running up the sand. The men shout behind me as I run up the shore, searching for JJ and the others. I pant as I reach the tree line, watching as another truck speeds toward me from the road. I run up behind a wooden boat, ducking below the bow as the men shout, searching. I duck through more barrels, hiding. 

One man comes toward me, peering through the cracks. As soon as he's close enough I throw my hand out, punching him in the nose. He groans, stumbling back. "She's over here!" He shouts as I duck down, crawling out from under the boat and barrels. I stand up to run but I'm surrounded and one of the huge men with a gun grabs me. "Get off!" I grunt, struggling to break away from him. "Get a hold of her!" The other one shouts. They each take one of my arms as I struggle, picking me up and practically dragging me toward the truck. "Let me go!" I scream, flailing my legs as they haul me into the truck. 

Outer Banks (JJ Maybank x Female Reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now