The Start Of A Beautiful Friendship

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25 November 1973

"Lily-Flower please go out with me!" James Potter tried again to get the girl of his dreams, but this time they were in a corridor alone.

"NO! What don't you get Potter! You're an arrogant toe-rag and I want nothing to do with you! So stop asking me out on dates until you grow up or are you just too dimwitted to comprehend it?" Lily Evans insults James as she stormed off.

What she did not know was she had left a heartbroken bespectacled boy in her wake. James watched the fiery red hair of the girl he loves turn the corner before breaking into tears. Lily had no idea how much her words had affected him, he always seem to brush it off like its no big deal but in reality it tore his heart apart to hear such mean words coming out from the girl he truly loves.

Jasmin Rowland was walking the halls of Hogwarts, pinning up pamphlets, when she heard soft sobs coming from 'round the corner. Jasmin turned the corner to find the bespectacled boy he knew as James Potter.

Hearing someone approaching, James looked up to spot a beautiful blonde girl holding some pamphlets. James raised his hands to rub his eyes but felt a warm pressure on his wrist. James looked up to see the girls brown eyes full of concern.

Jasmin reached into her pockets and took out some tissues and placed it into James' hands before sitting down beside him. the boy beside her wiped his tears and blew his nose before looking at her and chuckled.

"Sorry you had to see me in such a state. I was told I'm an ugly crier." He sniffed, trying to lighten the mood. Jasmin just gave him a soft smile.

"What were you crying about, James?"

"Umm...forget about it, it's pointless anyway." James sounded so dejected that Jasmin frowned at this. She had never seen James Potter, the most cheerful prankster among the pranksters, so down and depressed.

"It's okay to let your feelings out, James"

"'s just Lily, the love of my life, aways says these mean things and calling me 'an arrogant toe-rag' and she doesn't know but what she says...sometimes they really hurt more than I let people know." He rants, making air quotes over 'an arrogant toe-rag'.

"James I know live can be hard and all but sometimes you got to let it out. Talk to a friend or someone you can trust, tell Lily how you feel whenever she calls you something you don't enjoy being called, but whatever you do don't bottle all your emotions inside you 'cause one day it will all burst." Jasmin comforts him with an airy feel in her voice.

James looked at Jasmin and gave her a soft smile before frowning. "You know my name but I don't know yours," he looked at Jasmin's yellow and black tie, "little Hufflepuff." He finished with a smirk.

Jasmin giggled a little at the nickname he had chosen. "Jasmin. Jasmin Rowland." Holding a hand out.

James decided to take a bold move and wrapped his arms around the girl. Jasmin flinched but quickly covered up by wrapping her arms around James. What he didn't know was that when she hugged back she had hesitated.

"What are you doing out here? It's almost curfew and isn't the Hufflepuff common in the basement or something?" James asked after Jasmin abruptly pulled away from the hug.

"I'm pinning these pamphlets up," Jasmin said, holding up the pamphlets to show James, "of my lost possessions. It appears that most of my personal items have mysteriously disappeared." Jasmin finished with a sad smile.

James looked at her before looking at the window behind the girl with wide eyes. Jasmin followed his gaze and gasped.

"We have to go, it's almost curfew." She waved at James before walking away.

"Hey wait!" James shouted at the girl. Jasmin turned around and stared at the older boy. "Can we be friends?" Jasmin smiled at the sweet boy in front of her and nodded her head before running off. James ran off in the opposite direction with a smile on his face.


Sirius looked up and saw his best mate enter the common room with a goofy smile.

"Jeez mate, what's got you so happy?"

James explained how he met Jasmin Rowland and how they became friends. He had to explain it another 3 times because Sirius was utterly confused the first time, Remus and Peter came down before he could finish and asked the same question.

"Wait! Did you say Rowland?" Sirius exclaimed after James finished explaining for the 3rd time.

James nodded confused before Sirius ran off to their dorm. The other 3 Marauders looked at each other before running after him. They found him digging in his trunk muttering something incoherent under his breath.

Sirius shook his head as he looked up and waved it off when Remus went to ask him what he was searching for. "Forget it. I just thought that her last name sounded familiar."

The other 3 of the group looked at each other and shrugged but were all curious. The boys did their nightly routines and went to bed ready for the day of class the next day.


Jasmin walked into her dorm to find her dorm mates all on one of their beds, huddled together talking is hush voices. Jasmin went into the bathroom to change. When she came out, the other girls were still in the same position. Jasmin decided, since girls were not likely to finish their conversation anytime soon, to read.

Jasmin picked up her book that she left on her bedside table and began to read. While reading, Jasmin kept having the feeling of a few pairs of eyes trained on her. Jasmin decided to look up and saw the other girls sneaking glances at her every few minutes while they were having their conversation.

Jasmin frowned, wondering why her dorm mates did not like her. Jasmin may not show it most of the time but sometimes she wished the other girls would except her and be her friend. Jasmin started to zone out, thinking about the reason why her dorm mates hate her until she felt a prickly feeling on her knuckle. She hissed through her teeth and looked down to see she had peeled the skin off her knuckle.

Jasmin got her bandage wrap out of her first aid kit and went into the bathroom to clean up the wound. When she walked out, the girls had already turned of the lights and gone to bed. Jasmin sighed and started groping around hoping she does not hit anything that would cause a commotion and luckily for her she managed to make it back to her bed without any mishap. As her head hit the pillow, she mentally prepared herself for all sorts of events that might happen the next day. Before she knew it, Jasmin was out like a lamp.


Just to clear thing up, Jasmin is a year younger than the Marauders. She befriends James in her second year while he is in third. 

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