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"Charlie, charlie CHARLIEEE WHAT THE FUCK?" Monty's voice brought him back to Earth. He had just lost the chance to goal because he was thinking about someone he really didn't wanna think about. "Okay that's it, we gotta talk." Monty quickly pulled Charlie out of the field and started staring at him intensely.

"Um.." Charlie tried to speak but nothing came out. To be honest Monty was the last person he wanted to discuss this with since he was the cause of all this conflict in his mind. Monty was extremely homophobic and hated, no, LOATHED, Alex Standall. How could he even remotely discuss his feelings with him. "Are you upset because of Jennifer?" Monty asked.

"Jennifer?" Charlie was confused. Jennifer was his ex and he had broken up with her peacefully. They were still on good terms though, so why did Monty think he was upset because of Jennifer..

"Charlie look man, Ever since Brycey, you are my guy. I wanna have your back but how am I gonna do that if you don't open up fucks sake?"

"I'm just upset because of some things at home. Don't worry about it." Charlie sighed. He hated lying, especially lying to his best friend Monty. Monty seemed to look right through his little white lie and smirked. Charlie was a shit liar.

"Leave the home issues at home when you enter the field okay. this shit's serious, you have to be ready to be captain soon." Monty bumped him lightly with his helmet. Charlie smiled weakly and bumped Monty back. He knew he had to focus but how could he? This was beyond frustrating.

They entered the field and Charlie's breath almost caught in his throat as he saw Alex. He was talking to Zach. Charlie rolled his eyes annoyed. Why the fuck were they always together? Monty seemed to notice Alex too and quickly turned to Charlie.  

"That guy Alex Standall. I think he is a homo." Monty laughed. Charlie's eyes lit up "Yea? why?" He tried to keep it casual so Monty doesn't notice his excitement. "Mans always around Tyler or Zach. Last year he shot himself in the head and missed, I mean how do you miss that shot?" Monty seemed very amused, but Charlie was suddenly hit with a ton of bricks. Alex shot himself? This boy kept getting more and more complicated, who was he?

"Monty, Coach needs you on the field." Zach walked over to them.

"Woah really, I'm gonna finally bash some heads, sweet." He high-fived Charlie who high-fived him back. When Monty left Zach approached Charlie. "You know Alex right?" Zach asked him

Charlie wondered why he was asking. "Yea he shot himself in the head and missed." Charlie made it sound as casual as possible. "Maybe don't get your psychological insights from Monty? That's like getting your clothes from Walmart." Zach explained. 

After practice Charlie was busy changing his clothes. He put on his pants and was busy untangling his shirt when a voice stopped him in his tracks. "Hey, um" He looked up to see Alex. He looked annoyed, and slightly anxious. "Have you seen Zach? Practice ended like 5 minutes ago and he was supposed to take me home so.." Charlie stopped himself from rolling his eyes. Of-fucking-course he is looking for Zach again. He placed his shirt down and slowly stepped over to Alex. Alex seemed startled by seeing a shirtless Charlie approach him and took a step back.

"I don't know where Zach is but, if you want a ride home I will drop you." Charlie smiled.

"Um I don't know.." Alex said nervously. He wanted to give Zach a very important update on the Bryce Walker case. "Standall?" Monty entered the room. "Did you come here to look at a shirtless Charlie, you fag." Alex was immediately pissed. "Jesus Monty, I really don't wanna deal with this right now." He started to walk away. Charlie quickly put his shirt on. Monty's comment made him blush, he was hoping none of them noticed.

"Wait!" Monty grabbed Alex's arm and pushed him against the locker. Charlie gasped.

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