Cautiously Sophie began to walk into the house, eyeing the big blanket-covered block that greeted her upon entrance. "What's that?" She asked slowly as she tip toed past it.

"Oh, that? That's just my pillow fort!" He laughed fauxly before rushing to explain further when he saw Sophie's eyes begin to sparkle. "Janelle's inside though, so I don't know if you really wanna go in there..."

Tasha frowned and opened her mouth to protest when Leo interrupted her with a gasp and a glance at his imaginary watch. "Hey mom, you know how you were just about to leave to go get that pizza? The one from across town? Well I just got word that the store'll be closing early tonight!" Hurriedly, Leo began to gently push his mother out the door, rambling with incoherent sentences as he did so.

Sophie blinked at the boy's worrisome behavior as the giant pillow fort's presence began to become more apparent from her. It seemed that the cold air was emitting from the pillow fort, and while she didn't want to assume the worst of Leo, she couldn't help but recall Bree's earlier phone call and puzzle some pieces together in her mind...

Chase... Antarctica... Cold.... Pillow fort....

Frowning, the blonde tilted her head. She glanced at Leo, who was attempting to get his mother to leave the front door, and ran to the cube-shaped blanket. She held her breath, secretly afraid of all the possible outcomes awaiting under the blanket, and quickly pulled the fabric off.

Immediately, a scream left the lips of both Sophie and Leo, who had just closed the door.

Under the blanket was neither Chase nor an abundance of pillows and blankets, but a frozen Janelle looking straight into the eyes of Sophie.

After the first scream left her lips, more followed, and Sophie backed up into the couch as Leo ran to put cup his hands over the slightly older girl's mouth. She looked at him with wide eyes, as he looked back at her with an equally as panicked expression.

"Okay, okay! This looks really bad but it's not what you think!" Leo rushed out, not entirely sure himself of what the girl could have been thinking. He looked around in an attempt to find something, anything, that could get him out of the situation before stumbling across one of Adam's many top-hats laying on the kitchen counter.

Never was he ever so thankful for Adam's slightly weird top-hat collection.

"I was just doing magic!" Leo exclaimed with a big smile, backing away from Sophie as she stared at him with her mouth agape. He ran to grab the black hat from the counter and placed it atop his head, circling back to Janelle's frozen form and doing jazz-hands.


Leo started at the girl, nervously waiting for a reaction to appear on her blank face, before finally she moved.

"That's so cool!" Sophie gasped, walking closer to the human-sized ice cube. "How did you do that?"

Leo let out a breath of relief, wiping a hand over his head with squeezed eyes. "Oh, you know," he laughed breathlessly. "Cards aren't the only thing I know how to do!"

While Sophie marveled at Leo's "magic", the boy couldn't help but do a little victory dance by the coffee table. Immediately he spotted the freeze gun and grabbed it, his one goal to hide it before anything else happened. He spotted a blinking light and he looked closer, hoping to perhaps find an "un-freeze" button when Sophie had unexpectedly come up to him.

"What's that?"

Immediately, Leo jumped into the air as did the freeze ray, and he fumbled to catch it. Unfortunately for him, in the midst of trying to catch the device, Leo had unknowingly pressed a few buttons, and he wanted to cry at the sound of the oh-so-familiar beeping noise that came out of the machine.

Why did he have to have butter fingers?

A/ N: butter fingers teehee

Hey y'all... I know it's been MONTHS but I finally finished this chapter for the pooks who are still reading 😖 I literally am so sorry, my academic life and extracurriculars have just become so hectic and the time just flew. Also I know posting this on a random monday night probably isn't the best idea... but yolo

The next chapter and this one were supposed to be one, but it was really long (and I wanted to work more on the second part) so you guys will be getting that this Friday might!

hint hint Chase and Sophie interact a lot hint hint

Lmk what u wanna see more/ less of as always! I'm not proudest of this chapter and characters may or may not be ooc (Im trying to get back into the swing of things 😔)

I love you all x10000000, and I'm gonna be trying my best to get chapters ready for you all!

mwah mwah

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