
"It's either them or me. Choose wisely."

With this decision placed in front of Deku, he knew what was the right thing to do, so he turned his back to Shigaraki and began running towards the League members to save them. But as he did this the bottom half of the buildings began crumbling, making the buildings fall. From this happening The League members noticed Deku coming straight towards them, thinking that he has changed his attention towards them, but they looked beyond him and noticed the bottom half of the building crumbling down which made them turn around and start running. But as they ran as fast as they can, the collapse of the buildings was getting closer to the ground meaning they won't be able to outrun this. Luckily while running they saw Deku off the corner of their eyes. From seeing him, they were then grabbed by the waist with black whip that Deku used to pull them away from the collapse of the buildings. While pulling them along, things from inside the building began breaking through the windows and falling in rapid speeds towards Deku and The League members. From this happening, Deku was able to maneuver himself and the others out of the way of the falling objects. But suddenly a desk falls on one of the tendrils of black whip which detaches one of the League members.

~Mr. Compress~


Suddenly being detached from black whip, Toga fumbles on the ground and hits her head which knocks her unconscious. From that happening Deku heard Mr. Compress yell out her name, which made him look over his left shoulder to see her unconscious body laying on the ground. So not willing to leave her behind, Deku launches the other League members way up ahead where none of the debris or the buildings will fall onto them. After doing so, Deku slams both feet onto the ground as he then spun around and launched himself towards Toga, doing so he soon, he sweeped her up off the ground with his arms, after doing this he placed his feet onto the ground which made him sled across until eventually coming to a halt. As he did so he looked down at Toga to make sure she wasn't majorly injured, but while doing so, a large Shadow loomed over them. Deku looks up and sees the building falling right towards them. Seeing that he knew he wouldn't be able to escape with Toga in hand. So he thought of something crazy he is not sure will work but is still willing to try. He removes his right arm from under Toga's legs and clenches his fist as the power of One For All began flowing through his body making him glow a bright green. But while charging up Toga regains a bit of consciousness as she slightly opened her eyes and sees Deku at that moment.



From uttering his name, Toga soon felt back unconscious. But right when she did, Deku was finished charging up as a red glowing x appeared on his face.


"One For All... United States of... SMASH!"

Deku launches his fist straight up along with all of the built up power which come shooting right out of his fist and straight into the building which makes a giant hole large enough for Deku and Toga to survive the fall of this building. Seeing that his crazy plan worked in the end he smiled as the sunlight shines on him from the smoke above. But while smiling, four jagged blades suddenly come shooting out from the smoke which pierces four places on Deku's chest. From that happening he looks down at the blades and recognizes them.


"You should have been wiser in your decision!"

Hearing that voice, Deku looks up to see the smoke blow away and reveal Shigaraki with his hand extended out and his fingers at the blades that pierced through Deku's chest.


"You should have chose to stop me than to save them!"

After saying that, the blades inside of Deku's chest were then pulled out as they retracted back to Shigaraki's fingers. From that happening, Deku falls to his knees but still keeps his left hand holding onto Toga.


"It looks like my ending came true in the end."

With that said and done, Shigaraki flew away, leaving Deku to die with unconscious Toga resting on left arm. But while dying, Deku looked over at Toga and smiled.


"It looks like I did save someone in the end..."

Suddenly tears begin falling from the side of his eyes.


"But I wish that I lived a bit longer, so I can see my friends accomplish their dreams. And I wish I was able to pass on One For All to someone, just like how All Might did. But I guess that won't happen... It was good to be a hero for this log."

With those final words said, Deku hunched over and soon passed away from blood loss. But while hunched over, the blood coming out of his chest begin dripping onto Toga's face and in her mouth. With blood dripping on Toga's face, she suddenly began to awaken, as she opens her eyes she saw Deku's now lifeless face. From seeing that she move away from him and put yourself on her knees where she leans in and tries to see if she hears him breathing, but from doing so there was not a sound of a single breath coming out of him. Now knowing that he's actually dead, Toga get up and looks at him.


"Thank you, Izuku, for saving me."

With Toga saying her thanks to the hero that saved her, she turns her back to him as she then sheds a tear.



Hearing Uraraka yell out for Deku, Toga looks over her shoulder and looks up to see Uraraka who spots her and sees her face covered with splashes of blood. From seeing that she thinks the worst that she clenches her fist.



Hearing Uraraka yell that out, Toga knew that Uraraka is accusing her for what happened to Deku. knowing that she is filled with anger, Toga knew she wouldn't be able to tell her what happened. So she slipped through the cracks of the building and began escaping. As she did so, Uraraka then try to pursue after her, but decided to go over to Deku, but once you grab hold of him she realized that he was dead which brought her to tears. From crying out, all of Deku's other friends soon arrive to see they're dear friend's lifeless body.

~To be continued~

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