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Next day at school baddie was wondering how she can attract amber towards samie, the only problem between two of them was amber didn't like samie at all because samie was the reason of  last breakup of amber, she was in 3 years relationship with mac his  neighborhood boyfriend. Baddie was in deep thought wondering, when ansha came and looking at her alluringly and said" hey, hey, then shout and says baddieeeee are you listening "baddie says" what the fuck you scared me". Ansha says what were you thinking so profoundly".Ansha is baddie's best friend her secret keeper, stay over partner and she loves baddie a lot no matter how baddie is.


Baddie says "I was thinking about mom her birthday is near that's why". Ansha says don't worry I will help you out in celebration. Bell rang and ansha and baddie went for classes and it was mathematics unit when they reached they saw sir Jonas was changing seats of everyone then baddie walk slowly towards sir jonas and slowly said" sir, sir you should let amber sit with samie they both hate each other so they won't talk ". Sir jonas says" amber you are going to sit with samie right now no more argument".

Baddie look at samie and samie look her with happiness like he was thanking her for this but amber was grudging with aggressively, when baddie look her she thought amber is gonna kill her and then she went to her seat with Jace her classmate. Well baddie was thinking her job to bring them together is almost accomplish but she had no idea that amber will never gonna happen this,the way amber was looking at samie she was going to burst with anger. Sir Jonas says now students I am going to tell you about theorems after this you are going to work as duo with your benchmate for the assignment ".

Samie was contented after listening this while baddie was thinking she will be  absolutely dead, then amber rapidly stand up  and says I won't let this  happen I apologize but I am not going to work with this person never ever". And she left the classroom baddie was feeling sorry for her while samie was shock after this and he was very disappointed with himself as he knows he deserve this behaviour. Well becky ran behind amber, amber went to ground and beck behind her. Amber was bursting with rage and becky put her hand on her shoulder and said hey that's alright okay we are going to find solution you will not sit with him again calm down ". Amber turns back and hug her while crying with tears. Amber love mac a lot she was so in love him that she could die for him but what samie did was unforgettable so her hate for him was right.


Becky says" amber you are not alone you have us okay calm down please ". Amber says" I will never forgive him I hate him I even don't want to look at him". Becky says "alright you don't have to okay". Then they went to the canteen and baddie was so upset about what just happen and she was thinking she will not be able to do it so she will apologize to samie and accept her mistake in lunch break infront of amber. The bell rings samie first walk away from classroom to home and baddie, ansha, Olivia went to canteen to becky and amber, they ask her"hey are you alright sorry for what happen you don't have to go through this we love yu and we will support you ". Amber says" I know thanks I'm fine we will figure this tomorrow".

Baddie came and take a deep breath and says" well samie went home I think he feels melancholy after what happened so we will figure this tommorow ". Amber says" alright". Baddie was gathering words and courage to explain what she did but she don't know how to explain it well she says to herself "i can explain it later I should leave it for now as everything is going good". The girls group started backbiting of the teachers and samie and baddie went from their walking and thinking about her idea to allivate was God dam wrong and she can't continue so she won't. Samie after arriving home he went straight to his room and hurl, breaking things because he was dam discourage and upset. He locked his self in room, it took time but he made his mind that he will leave amber alone and will not think about her again.

Will baddie be able to understand samie and make him leave amber? What will samie do?

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