"Okay." I say.

Noah leaves and I look at Y/n.

"You don't look happy to see me." I say.

"I told Max not to call you." Y/n says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because you're not gonna let me leave." Y/n says.

"No, I'm not." I say.

"I have shows to do." She says.

"There won't be a show if you have a heart attack before you go on stage. You're staying here." I say.

"They're just gonna run tests and make sure everything's okay. Calm your tits." I say.

"Calm your tits?" She asks laughing.

"Yes." I say.

"You mind if I let Max in?" I ask.

"He's still here? Yeah." She says.

I open the room door and Max and Nate come in.

"Hey, kid." Y/n says as Nate runs to her.

I help Nate climb on the bed and he hugs her.

"I missed you." Nate says.

"I missed you too." Y/n says.

"Everything okay?" Max asks.

"They're gonna run tests. Thank you for calling me." I say.

"Of course." Max says.

Time Skip

"So you're having palpitations, do you know what that is?" Noah says.

"No." Y/n says.

"You're heart is beating abnormally fast in an abnormal pattern. I prescribed you some medication to help control it. After you finish your tour, you need to see your doctor." Noah says.

"I'll have someone bring your discharge papers." Noah says.

Y/n nods and Noah leaves.

"I'm just glad I don't have to let any of those people down." Y/n says.

"We're gonna go, we have a flight to catch." I say looking at my watch.

"Okay." Y/n says handing Nate to me.

I hug Y/n and she smiles. She kisses me and I smile.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." Y/n says as we leave.

Time Skip

I FaceTime Y/n and she answers on the last ring.

"Hello beautiful." Nicki says smiling.

I widen my eyes and drop my phone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drop you." I say picking my phone up.

"You're fine." Nicki says laughing.

"I've been dying to meet you." Nicki says.

"Me?" I ask.

"Yes, all Y/n does is talk about you." Nicki says.

"I personally wouldn't be talking about her if I was in a room with Nicki Minaj." I say.

Nicki laughs and I smile.

"You need to let her out of the house, I have a song I want her to get on." She says.

"That woman is free to come and go when she pleases." I say.

"Oh so she's avoiding me. Imma talk to her." She says.

"Do you know if Y/n has taken her medicine?" I ask.

"This?" She asks holding up a bottle.

"Yes." I say.

"Nope, doesn't even look like the seal was broken." She says.

I sigh and shake my head.

"We'll talk." I say.

"Game." Nate say reaching for my phone.

"Not right now, I'm talking to someone every important." I say.

"Can you say queen?" I ask as Nicki laughs.

"Game!" Nate says angrily.

Nate grabs my phone and hangs up.

"Nathan! Do you understand what you just did?" I ask.

"Game." Nate says giggling.

3 hours later...

"Just tell her I'm so sorry." I say.

"Oh she laughed about it." Y/n says.

"I don't know what you've been teaching that kid but that is unacceptable in this house." I say.

Y/n laughs and I smile.

"She told me you didn't take your pill." I say.

"I-" Y/n says.

"Y/n, I am trying to plan a wedding not a funeral. I don't need you dropping dead in Europe from a heart attack." I say.

"I'll take it right now." She says.

She opens the pill bottle and takes a pill.

"Done." She says.

"Good." I say.

"Um, I'll send your money back in the morning." She says.

"I was joking, I don't want it back. Shit, I don't need it back." I say.

"You don't want your 2 million dollars back?" She says.

"Keep it." I say.

"All I want is for you to come back and marry me." I say.

"Okay, I can do that." She says.

I smile and nod.

"Get some rest, baby. I love you." I say as Y/n yawns.

"I love you too." I say.

Y/n smiles and hangs up.

"Game?" Nate asks.

"You wanna play hide and seek?" I ask.

"Yes!" Nate says.

"I'll seek, go hide." I say covering my eyes.

"One, two, three, four, five." I count as Nate runs upstairs.

I uncover my eyes and sit back down.

Hopefully he'll give up and fall asleep.

1150 Words

1150 Words

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